Ode to Alcohol

Ode to Alcohol

A Poem by Zoe Jay

 You take the first drink

And you barely notice

The world has not changed

Just a drink with friends

Lost in the flow of conversation


You take another drink

Uncaring, unconcerned, so easy

And you talk some talk

And the worries still nibble you away

But you don’t know and you don’t care


Third drink comes so natural

Who’s counting? It’s a good time

Holding your life at bay

For just a little longer

Bottled sanity


You have no worries, no reality

Everyone does it

It’s no big deal

We all need to have some fun

Doesn’t mean you need it to cope


Four and five are down

Time for six

Yesterday you worried

Now you feel great

Can’t have too much happy


It’s not one too many if it feels so good

The world has altered just enough

It looks a little different

Tongue a little looser

Confident, relaxed


It’s not poison if it makes you better

The liquor is your medicine

At least for tonight

Your tonic for the soul

Enough, enough… but maybe one more?


Seventh drink, you’re a little unsteady

But it’s all good fun

Another down,

Another to go,

That’s how it goes after all


Eight drinks in and you feel the lurch

As your world moves to a darker place

Slightly sick in the stomach

Who’s having a good time now?

But this is a party that you can’t leave


You committed now

Committed to react the only way you know how

So as it gets darker, and woozier

You only know one way out

But it’s the same exit you took already


So you keep drinking

Knowing you can fight through this phase

Knowing you’re not going to turn around now

The glass is a sacrament

The bottle your altar


Nine drinks and you love it and hate it

Now you’re getting to the truth

Now you know yourself

And those around you

And you see their every shadow


So do you like this place you created?

You can’t know in the haze

Now you’re not celebrating

You’re punishing yourself

And calling it leisure


As you pour number ten

The whispers of disquiet get louder

The trickle of the liquor becomes a roar

Drowning out any protest

Alcohol, like DNA, exists only to perpetuate itself


You drink while it consumes you

A roller-coaster without brakes

You’re no longer enjoying it

But you cannot get off this ride

And you don’t know why


And so there go eleven and twelve

Heading for the only thing that can stop this possession

The thing you set out to achieve and avoid

Complete submission...

The floor.

© 2013 Zoe Jay

My Review

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I am glad I no longer drink like this, no more worshiping the porcelain goddess in the bathroom of some nasty bar, or taking a chance behind the wheel, no more falling and waking up wondering how did I get here in the first place. Age comes wisdom for some and now a drink is simply a drink and not to get drunk.

I was thinking the person in this poem is going to alcohol poisoning . I do love the ending of the poem complete submission ... the floor. LOL that was funny and when this happens to someone we often get our magic markers out and begin to draw on them to remind them in the morning that they past out.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


The floor...been dragged out on my heels more than once.
Off to read #2.
My own Ode is incubating...will arrive this summer.
This work slowly builds. Strong writing, as usual.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

absolutely, incredibly heartwrenching. Only someone who knows this truth could be so adept at putting it to pen and ink. this goes to my favorites! This made my throat ache

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

tick-tock goes the clock reaching twelve...time's up:)...

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I am glad I no longer drink like this, no more worshiping the porcelain goddess in the bathroom of some nasty bar, or taking a chance behind the wheel, no more falling and waking up wondering how did I get here in the first place. Age comes wisdom for some and now a drink is simply a drink and not to get drunk.

I was thinking the person in this poem is going to alcohol poisoning . I do love the ending of the poem complete submission ... the floor. LOL that was funny and when this happens to someone we often get our magic markers out and begin to draw on them to remind them in the morning that they past out.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

frems don' lep frems stay sober

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Some people are lucky. They can drink at will and stop when necessary. I raised hell for 35 years. Close bars and trained Soldier at 5:30 am. Some people can drink themselves silver. I drink a beer on a rare occasion now. When I got marry. Drinking was costly and I found better things to do. Your poem is true. The more we drink. The more we want. A wise person learn it isn't worth the pain of the hangover. I like the way you explain the steps of drinking. Ain't wise to lose control in the view of strangers. A excellent poem. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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16 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on April 9, 2011
Last Updated on July 28, 2013
Tags: alcohol, drink, drinking, socializing, addiction, alcoholism, friends, insidiousness, coping, life, fun, fighting, partying, party, submission, failure


Zoe Jay
Zoe Jay

Los Angeles, CA

I come from Fife, in Scotland, and I now live in Los Angeles and run a business in the music industry. I've been writing poetry for about as long as I could write! I had a poetry collection published .. more..

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