A clowns story

A clowns story

A Poem by Abirami

A poem about a clown's work and his contradictory life...


Here comes the clown,

With cherry-red nose

Coming just to vanquish your frowns.


Raising up and down his brow,

Juggling vibrant balls in his hand,

He makes you laugh, just by running to and fro.


He can see the grown-ups laugh,

Entering the world of fantasy by

Following the naughty little dwarfs!


The clown was slowly succeeding in his task

Giving his audience a couple of precious moments to cherish, with their tiny tots

But not one realized all he is doing is wearing a mask...


Not a mask that covers his face;

But one that hides his sorrow within

Deep inside, in an inaccessible place.


For his little prince, his angel, his son

Is battling for life in a worn-out bed

Oh! Isn’t he supposed to run, and have some fun???


Heartbroken and penny less clown

Knowing not what to do

He even sold his departed love’s inexpensive gown.

He had no other choice but to straighten his bow,

And play the clown to earn a few coins

Is there someone to strip him from his woe????

© 2011 Abirami

Author's Note

Excuse the long lines please.I tried to get the rhyming right while keeping the storyline ontrack.Thankyou! :)

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1 Review
Added on April 9, 2011
Last Updated on April 9, 2011



I love reading good writings and i enjoy writing informal essays and poetry.I have a gazzilion activities to do,all of which i enjoy.But i need something that seriously affects me,else i just cant wri.. more..

The choice The choice

A Poem by Abirami