One hour

One hour

A Poem by ur_ginger_girl

A poem I wrote a few minutes ago. I know it's depressing, but that just shows how I feel right now.

One hour 

They say the bombs are dropping in an hour. 

In one hour I know I'm going to die. 

I'm going to die never having experienced the love of a man.

I'm going to die never having laid safe in strong arms. 

I'm going to die without experiencing a truly loving kiss.

I'm going to die never having given the greatest pleasure.

In one hour I'm going I can say I was forever alone.

In one hour I know I'm going to die.

They say the bombs are dropping in one hour. 

© 2015 ur_ginger_girl

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very well written...
wow !!
I'm going to die never having laid safe in strong arms.

I'm going to die without experiencing a truly loving kiss.

I'm going to die never having given the greatest pleasure.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thanks. Your reviews mean more than you know.
Very depressing! lol. Regardless, I think it captures the feelings of unfulfillment, we all manage only to feel in moments like these. The things in life we put off until tomorrow, or hold off seeking. Nothing lights a fire under us like the realization that we as individuals have no control over the world that surrounds us.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 20, 2015
Last Updated on September 20, 2015
Tags: Lonely, depressed, hour, death