Beautiful Fairytale

Beautiful Fairytale

A Poem by Aekmy

Baby I’m fading away

Come please and cease the pain

Farther and farther in

So before I loose my sane and they win let me ask


Will you by my B.F?

You could pull the cords sharp

So I won’t trip and fall

You would tie me close to your heart

Breaking down my wall

Would you be my Beautiful Fairytale?


When you hold my hand I look at the day

I think about my mess

Then blink back tears in dismay

You pull me close to your chest

Whispering it’ll be ok


Cause now you’re my B.F

You know when to pull the cords sharp
so I won’t trip and fall

You tie me close to your heart

Breaking away my wall

You’re my beautiful fairytale


In my darkest hours I curl up without a sound

And hide away close to the ground

I hear your voice coming through the wind

And you pick me up like an old friend 


You’re my B.F

You always pull on the cords sharp

So I won’t trip and fall

You tie me so close to your heart

Helping me regain my strength

You’re my beautiful fairytale

You’re my beautiful fairytale


Under the stars, with you

Surrounded by cars in the blue

Hand on my side, eyes in the sky

When I finally realize



You’ll always be my B.F

Cause you pull the cords with no haste

So I won’t trip and fall

You tie me close to your waist

And kiss with your all

You’re my beautiful fairytale



Baby I’m fading in your arms

Enjoying the gorgeous bliss

Don’t wake me

Not even with a kiss

I’ll see you in the morning veil

My beautiful fairytale

© 2009 Aekmy

Author's Note

I have a soft spot for this one.

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I'm really not into mushy stuff..the quintessential lovey-dovey poetry..but this one made me's really pretty...makes you feel really warm about something..taking it to my library ..great work..:)

Posted 14 Years Ago

I love the personality of this poem, every other word seems to be linked to something amazing.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 5, 2009
Last Updated on October 6, 2009



There is beauty is uniqueness. Embrace the strange or perish in the ordinary.

"Leaving the page of the book carelessly open, something unsaid, the phone off the hook and the love, whatever it was, an infection. - Anne Sexton" more..

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A Story by Aekmy