St David's Day in Wales

St David's Day in Wales

A Poem by Andrew John

Iambic tetrameter


(the first day of March)


Am I as lonely as that cloud?

I kneel this early time of day.

The traffic’s quite thin now, not loud,

while I am crouching, seem to pray!

St David’s Day is here, with chills.

That cloud looks down on Wales and hills.


I’m kneeling down upon this grass

to pluck the yellow one to pin

on my lapel now; no feet pass.

I’m brooding here on Wordsworth’s spin

on words that conjure on this hill

my single golden daffodil.


(1 Mar 2024)

(William Wordsworth, English poet, 1770-1850: “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”, in which he saw a "host of golden daffodils"; this is the same pattern and rhyme scheme)

© 2024 Andrew John

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Featured Review

The sun has just peeped behind the clouds after a morning of dismal rain. I very much enjoyed your St David’s day poem, Andrew. What better sight than golden daffodils which always makes me think of Wordworth. Lovely to wear one in your lapel. Happy St David’s day.


Posted 4 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Andrew John

4 Months Ago

Thanks, Chris. I picked two small ones on waste ground yesterday and am wearing one now.
Chris Shaw

4 Months Ago

How lovely Andrew. Have a wonderful weekend:)


The sun has just peeped behind the clouds after a morning of dismal rain. I very much enjoyed your St David’s day poem, Andrew. What better sight than golden daffodils which always makes me think of Wordworth. Lovely to wear one in your lapel. Happy St David’s day.


Posted 4 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Andrew John

4 Months Ago

Thanks, Chris. I picked two small ones on waste ground yesterday and am wearing one now.
Chris Shaw

4 Months Ago

How lovely Andrew. Have a wonderful weekend:)

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1 Review
Added on March 1, 2024
Last Updated on June 6, 2024
Tags: cloud, wales, hills, daffodil


Andrew John
Andrew John

Carmarthen, Wales, United Kingdom

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