Years Flow By

Years Flow By

A Poem by Andrew John

Free but rhythmic


I watch my years flow by

from chair, from sofa, bed.

I watch my life go by.


And life sees me go by -

my folks, my friends, my pals.

How long will this go on?


What do they think of me

as they can see me pass

so swiftly, this way, that?


Little life goes by

from chair, from sofa, bed.

What now is there to see

as I watch life go by?



© 2024 Andrew John

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Powerful work. You create the scene and foreboding feeling.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Andrew John

2 Months Ago

Thanks so much, Thomas.
A universal outcome awaiting all. I like the truth and rhythmic quality to your poem.
Reality hits like a brick.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Andrew John

3 Months Ago

Many thanks, Sami.
Sami Khalil

3 Months Ago

You are welcome sir.
Definitely rhythmic...
like life is if we join in with the music of dancing to it.

But if we sit this one out, there will be no second chance.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Andrew John

3 Months Ago

Nice observation, J. Thanks, as always.
Hello Andrew. A melancholic poem. When I read your stanzas, I thought of my aunt in a residential home. Chair, sofa , bed. That is very much how her days pass, but she is 91 and has dementia. Younger people who feel this way, could well be suffering from depression.

What do they think of me ? is asked and I would like to know what does the poet think of them? There is so much to reflect on this piece. I hope all is ok with you. Have a good Wednesday.


Posted 3 Months Ago

Andrew John

3 Months Ago

Thanks very much for an interesting observation and revelation re your aunt. I had this tucked away .. read more
Chris Shaw

3 Months Ago

It certainly does stir the brain cells. It’s good to find poems tucked away and forgotten about. I.. read more

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4 Reviews
Added on April 10, 2024
Last Updated on April 10, 2024
Tags: chair, sofa, bed, life, goes by, folks, little life


Andrew John
Andrew John

Carmarthen, Wales, United Kingdom

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