Let Me Ask You Something...

Let Me Ask You Something...

A Story by AK

Not for everyone I suppose. But you need to decide for yourself.


Do you ever get that gnawing feeling that you just have to write something? I know you do. In many respects we are very much alike, you and me.

That’s one of the reasons I need to write about this particular topic… I know it’s on your mind.



This thought came to me a week-and-a-half ago when I was in church. I wasn’t daydreaming about writing… I was kneeling at my favorite little spot over in the corner all by myself. We have three distinct portions of our Sunday evening service; the song service, the preaching, and the altar call. During the altar call everyone has the opportunity to find a place of prayer and spend however much time they wish. Sometimes alone, sometimes with someone. My little spot has just enough space for one.


(You can listen to recordings of the songs (the choir absolutely rocks) and the preaching if you would like by clicking on the link next to the icon photo on my main page here at the café. Right there beside the guy walking on the beach.)


The church I attend is unlike any I’ve ever known. Each person who attends came for one reason only, more of God. That’s not to say everyone isn’t welcome, they are. But more than once I’ve heard visitors say that we have "just a little too much going on". I do understand though. Years ago when I first became aware that God was very interested in me personally I too was a bit overwhelmed by His touch. I had never encountered anything like the move of the Spirit and I was frightened at first. But now I welcome God’s touch. I need it and crave it. I don’t mind feeling Him flood over me as I kneel before him... sometimes with my hands lifted in thanksgiving and worship, sometimes with my face buried in the altar praying about some situation or need. Always with precious tears of love and power that only come from him. I don’t even think about who might be watching anymore. If you’ve ever felt the Spirit of God you know what I mean.


That brings me to you…


You see, I still remember what it was like before I learned that God was indeed real. Not only real, but powerful enough to prove that he is still the same as he was in the Book of Acts in the New Testament.

Before I met him face to face one cold winter's night in 1976 I was above all most miserable. I was miserable because I wanted to know God but I had never had an opportunity to meet him. I desperately wanted him to be my God, but I didn’t know how to make that happen.

Oh sure, I knew about the old “accept and believe” version of the salvation plan… I had tried that technique several times in earnest. But there was/is no power in that. Each time I recited that little prayer on the back of the handout (you know the one) I was left feeling emptier than before. I was angry and miserable.


I think this might apply to some of you.

Let me ask you something…

Do you have the relationship you want with God today?


Not everyone can answer in the affirmative so don’t feel bad if you said no.


Oh I know… that is one of the hardest questions I've ever asked myself. And I don’t ask it lightly. But it’s time for you to seriously consider where you stand. If you are reading this, it applies. If you answered "no" then you have a deep-seated hunger for more of God but you haven't found the key to unlock the door yet.


If you answered “yes” let me thank you so much for your time and attention. The rest of this is for those who answered “no”.


So why haven't you been able to find that key I mentioned?

Because hardly anybody preaches the simple truth anymore. All you hear nowadays is "this denomination" or "that interpretation". And you'd better not dare question all the politically correct boutique religions that spring up or you'll be branded "intolerant" or "dogmatic". You know what... God is not a denomination! God is not an interpretation. God is not politically correct.


Let me ask one more question...

Are you willing to let God lead you to the place he has for you?


If “yes” then pause for a moment right here and take a breath. I'm serious, just take a second and say it aloud... "yes, I'm willing". There, he heard you.

And if you were serious you are likely feeling something quite remarkable by now, perhaps for the first time in your life. You are feeling the sweetest touch of the Spirit of God. Let him love you for a second… it’s been a long time, for both of you.


Feels pretty good, huh?
So now what…

Send away for free literature?

Make a donation and receive a book?

Send a prayer request and a check?


What you have before you is an opportunity to receive everything you’ve ever wanted in God. Along with proof positive that he is just as real today as he was back then.

Do you know how to pray?
I didn’t.

But it was pretty easy to learn. Prayer is nothing more than communication with God, conversing with him as you would converse with anyone. Just talk with him… and listen. Too many folks tell God everything that’s on their mind and then walk away. Can you imagine someone calling you on the phone, launching into a fifteen minute discourse on whatever is on their mind, and then hanging up immediately? Not much “conversation” going on there. Give him a chance to talk too.


Do you know what the Bible actually says about the salvation plan?

I didn’t.

But that was pretty easy to learn too. Read the Book of Acts. What you’ll see is the history of the very beginning of the New Testament church. No denominations, no interpretations, no opinions. Just plain old straight-up scripture that lists the three basic requirements to get started with God. Pay particular attention to chapter two. In verse thirty-eight you will find the purest and simplest account of God's salvation plan.

It really is basic… repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. That’s it. That gets you started.


And then you can begin learning to know God in ways you have never imagined. And he will start blessing you in ways you have never dreamed of.


But be prepared for a change in how you feel, how you think, what’s important to you. And how you see yourself. God has a magnificent way of opening one's eyes. I was a completely different person the morning after I received the Holy Ghost in 1976. I still remember waking up that day, I felt so different that I was afraid it had been a dream.


What you won't have to do is wait for some mystical sign or obscure signal. God doesn't work like that. He's clear and concise, plain and simple, one on one, just you and him. If you haven't experienced that in your life yet then you've been barking up the wrong tree. I'm sorry but that's the truth. God wants you to know how to find him for yourself.

His plan is not shrouded in secrecy. He never intended that it should take a priest or a pastor or an iman or a shaman or a television preacher to guide you through some sort of labryinth to the inner sanctum. All it takes is a hunger for the truth and a desire to know him. And the willingness to accept the fact that God is real enough to shake you up and touch your soul.


So yeah… if you want something real in God you can have it. Something pure and free and powerful. Something undefiled, undiluted, and uncompromised.

You can have the kind of relationship you’ve always dreamed of. Even more! The relationship he’s been wanting with you for so long.


© 2008 AK

Author's Note

I appreciate the reviews offered, thank you. But more importantly, I hope one or two who are truly hungry for more of God will read this and consider what the scriptures actually say about the salvation plan.

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I hold fast and tight to my faith in God, and I found this piece to be completely inspiring and I applaud you for sharing your wisdom and insight with us all. It's sad that this type of subject matter, can turn people away, rather than bring them closer to a life they've always dreamed of. Life isn't easy, but I am living testimony that if I didn't have God by my side, I wouldn't be alive today. The love that He has for us all is indescribable. It's completely unconditional, unlike anything we will ever experience from anyone else, here on Earth.

A beautiful write and a true testimony to your faith that hopefully will be of inspiration to other's, as well.

Thank you for sharing yourself with us all!

Posted 15 Years Ago

5 of 5 people found this review constructive.


A wonderful inspiring writing. Much needed and appreciated. Thank you for sharing. Debileah

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

AMEN. God is not an interpretation. I've felt a bit wordless these days...as if my aspirations are for nought - but this piece gives me hope. Wonderfully penned AK. I've missed your writing.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

That is totally beautiful. I love it
Tanks Tamara

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

*If you answered "no" then you have a deep-seated hunger for more of God but you haven't found the key to unlock the door yet.*


The key is not in my hand. It is in my heart where I've left it for way too long, Dale. My first thought when reading this was the key must be buried in my back yard or hidden under some stone I haven't found yet. But that would be a lie. They key is in my heart, it has always been there. Your right, you know. We have the key. The distance we place between the key and the door is the problem. I've stood on the porch many times. I own a spot there and have a rocking chair in the corner. I know He waits for me to enter in. So why haven't I? Why not?

I did something a while back I shouldn't have done. It is too personal to write here in such a public place. But the act itself doesn't matter as much as the end result. Sometimes I wonder if it isn't what I did as much as what I haven't done.

The key isn't in my hand because I haven't picked it up. At this point there isn't anyone or anything to blame but myself. I know you posted this to make those willing to think and you have. Again. Thank you, Dale.

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

I think this is a great piece. I think it's true that it turns most people off because of the topic. Most people feel like it's lecturing them and badgering them to have faith in God, when they are happy simply living out their lives. I, myself, went through middle school and high school (partly) in a private Christian school. I wasn't devoutly religious, or even moderately so. In contrast I was raised Catholic by my grandmother until I was old enough to think for myself. I got to tell you the schools turned me off to religion simply because of the way people treated me when they found I didn't go to church hardly ever and didn't have their same beliefs. I felt like they all thought people without faith were a depressed, miserable bunch. Most, although I won't say all of the people I know who do not believe in God are happy continuing to be that way. The same way I know plenty of Faithful people who are miserable and go through the same hardships as everyone else, while others who are perfectly happy.

To say this, I mean that the writing quality of your work is great. If I was at a point in my life where I was openly looking for God you're write here would definitely point me in the right direction. It's sincere and polite without being overly accusing, like a trial. I'm an open person. The topic alone, sadly, might just trigger that defensiveness in most people who don't have that conviction in God and do not want to be told that God's way "is the better way or happier way" and to say otherwise is bad. It's a sad fact, but true.

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

I hold fast and tight to my faith in God, and I found this piece to be completely inspiring and I applaud you for sharing your wisdom and insight with us all. It's sad that this type of subject matter, can turn people away, rather than bring them closer to a life they've always dreamed of. Life isn't easy, but I am living testimony that if I didn't have God by my side, I wouldn't be alive today. The love that He has for us all is indescribable. It's completely unconditional, unlike anything we will ever experience from anyone else, here on Earth.

A beautiful write and a true testimony to your faith that hopefully will be of inspiration to other's, as well.

Thank you for sharing yourself with us all!

Posted 15 Years Ago

5 of 5 people found this review constructive.

Nobody's left a review? I"m really surprised. I know what an amazing reviewer you are to all of us here. Do you think it is the subject matter of your writing?

I knew what this work held. I knew what your work was about. And I wanted to read it. First word to last and everything in the middle. You've always been kind enough to share a word when you thought I needed it. That is the proof of love. Share the word when it is needed.

I want to thank you. You've written these words carefully and from your heart. Not for points or reviews or popularity, but because you care. You are a blessing to many of us here in the cafe.


Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on October 7, 2008
Last Updated on November 4, 2008




If you haven't visited my Alaska... well... well... shame on you : >) Small brook just outside of Woodstock, Vermont. October 14, 2010 "Oh... that feels so good" - May 17, 2009 .. more..

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