Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Protect Me Demons That Come At Night

  I was crying. Actually...I wasn't crying. I was sobbing. I was balling my f*****g eyes out. And I probably looked like I belonged in the asylum when I was doing it.
  But then again, when you're walking around town, it's 3 AM and you hope that Sonic Onyon is open so you can get that brand new Hole record, you don't exactly expect to see a 17 year old girl sitting her a*s on the curb crying and yelling, "F**K YOU PHILLIP!", now do ya?
  I was sitting there for nearly an hour when I felt a hand grab my shoulder. At first, I thought it was Carter and he was here to comfort to me and then we would go back to his apartment and have sex. 
  But when I turned around it defiantly wasn't Carter. It was a guy I have never seen before in my life. He had soft green eyes and messy black hair. His face was covered with small black freckles, and his face was pale. 
  "Hey," he said to me.
  I rubbed my cheeks, which were probably stained with tears and mascara. "Hi," I said back. 
  He sat beside me on the curb and asked, "what's wrong?"
  For some reason, I actually considered telling this ugingly kid that my boyfriend of two years just cheated on me with a transgender hooker. But instead I just said, "didn't we just meet?"
  "Yes," the ugly kid said back. "I'm Mack."
  "Just because you told me your name doesn't mean I'm going to tell you everything about me," I said in a sassy voice. Hopefully this would make the Mack guy f**k off and leave me alone.
  "Okay," he told me. "Then I'll tell you everything about myself."
  I snorted and took a cigarette and my lighter out of my purse. I lit the cigarette and took a long drag. 
  "My name is Mack," the ugly kid said. 
  "You already said that."
  "I said it again," he said to me. I rolled my eyes as he went on, "I live alone. I'm seventeen. I'm addicted to acid. I have no friends. I'm horribly ugly. I'm a poet and a singer. I don't own a computer. I believe Marilyn Monroe is one of the most beautiful people alive. I have an ironic love for Sonic Youth. My middle name is Alexander."
  I took a drag and clucked my tongue. "Very interesting," I said sarcastically. "I have to go now."
  When I was about to stand up he grabbed my arm and basically pushed me back down. "Tell me what's wrong first," he ordered.
  I tried to shake my hand free from his grip but he just tightened it. I rolled my eyes and said, "let me go. This isn't funny."
  All of the sudden, his eyes went dark and his face became angry and mysterious. It made him look...sexier, for some weird reason.
  "Tell me what's wrong," he said in a firm voice.
  "My boyfriend cheated on me," I confessed. "That's all."
  He dropped my hand and he became his old ugly self. "That's stupid," he said. "You shouldn't cry over a stupid boy. I would never cry over a girl."
  I arched my eyebrow and that's when I heard a familiar voice yell, "ALICE!"
  I turned around and saw Carter standing behind a crowd of young emo boys who wear taking hits of acid. 
  The ugly kid looked at Carter and snorted. "Your friends with that guy?" he said in disgust. I shot him a dirty look, took a drag of my cigarette and waved back at Carter.
  He roughly pushed the emo boys out of the way and ran over to me. He pulled me up gently, totally ignoring Mack and said, "let's go. You and Phillip need to talk."
  Mack laughed and Carter looked at over him. "She dated Phillip?" he exclaimed. He laughed harder. "Jesus f***s, no wonder she's heart broken. Phillip is a f*****g player."
  Carter's face went dark, but he didn't look at sexy as Mack when it did. "We need to go," he said calmly to me and Mack. 
  He squeezed my hand and then dragged me off away from the ugly kid, who was sitting on the curb of a dirty street. 

© 2011 Protect Me Demons That Come At Night

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Added on August 31, 2011
Last Updated on August 31, 2011


Protect Me Demons That Come At Night
Protect Me Demons That Come At Night


About name is Alice I'm seventeen years old I write poems and books Welcome to my world more..
