Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by R.O.A.R.

The marketplace was abuzz with shoppers, merchants, and beggars. Big bellied men roaring over the tops of heads, shouting out their wares for all to hear. Women weaving in and out of people selling handmade jewels and trinkets, or small bundles of flowers. Even in the open air of this crisp fall day people were sweating in the crowd. Standing on platforms or pedestals knights, lieutenants, and sheriffs kept a watchful eye on children with sticky fingers and old pickpockets who ‘didn't mean to bump into you.’ However, even with so many stationed at each corner, not everything was noticed. Not even a hooded figure expertly gliding through the crowd.

No, the guard wouldn't notice her on Harvester Day, the busiest shopping day of the year. She was as invisible as an ant on this day. Even with the dozens of fliers with her face printed on them, not a soul would see her. A woman bumped into her, trying to get around to the bakery. Without batting an eye the cunning rogue placed a hand on the woman's shoulder, as if to maneuver around her, and with a flick of her thumb unlatched the silver chain around her neck, catching it on her foot and flipping it into her palm as she passed. Examining it as she disappeared into the sea of people, she figured it would get her a silver or two at best. Not bad.

She continued twisting and turning through the mass, all while attempting to keep her hood up. Even though there was a slim chance of being seen and chased down by The Supervisors, with so many nobles around if one of those paranoid sods saw her the crowd would explode. She suddenly  found herself pinned against a lamp pole with nowhere to go.

The air caught in her chest and her heart began to pound rapidly. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, forcing herself to remain calm. With great care, the woman scooted her way around the crowd. Only to be stopped short by a nail in her cloak

“By the Stone-Cutter's forge, not now!” she growled under her breath.

Turning to pull herself free, she saw the nail was holding up- A wanted poster of no-one but herself. Glaring at the printed page she ripped it and her cloak from the post, furrowed her brows and read:

WANTED: For the crime of petty theft, robbery, assault-

Oh, that one's new, she snorted. Never touched another person in my life. Must be desperate.

-and operating underground smuggling of wares; Ravalynn Warstone. The offender is female, half-orc, with tanned skin, a scar over her left eye, blue facial tattoos, and piercings. Can be further identified by one chipped tooth on her lower right side and her blood red and blue eyes. Caution: Criminal is armed and highly skilled in defensive and offensive combat. Be wary when approaching for she is rarely alone. She runs with a group of bandits and cut-purses known as The Midnight Hand. Reward: Twenty-five hundred gold sabers-

They've increased the bounty, nice! she thought with a satisfied grin,  for the man or woman who brings Ravalynn in alive. Dead, the price will be reduced to one thousand sabers. Oh, they want me breathin’, how dear of them. Be cautious, citizens, and remember; your Emperor smiles down on clean streets and a crime free city!

   “What a load of bull,” taking a closer look at her picture, she frowned even more, “That ain't even my nose! What d’they think I am, some kinda pig? Some racist s**t, innit? Straight nosed a******s.” Irritated, Ravalynn stuffed the poster in her belt purse and finally, managed to squeeze her way down an alley.

Trotting alongside buildings heading further to the outskirts of the city. Finally she reached an old building nestled against a run down tavern. Chewing on her lip ring, she leaned up against a cracking wall. Making sure no one was watching, the young half-orc tapped her knuckles against the splintering wood once, double tap, and a sharp pound; signalling the man inside. A plank slid out from the wall and a voice whispered, “I point without fingers, strike without hands, and run without feet.”


The plank shut and the sound of the deadbolts and heavy locks could be heard as the watchman unlocked the hidden door. Checking once more to be sure the coast was clear, Ravalynn ducked through the door and into the quiet serenity of her base. She tossed the watchman the necklace and other pieces she had picked up on her outing. Watching closely as he stored it with the other collected trinkets that waited to be traded for coin.

With a heavy sigh, Ravalynn unpinned her cloak and hung it on a rack. Her back arched and cracked as she stretched. Glancing around the entrance and beyond the tattered curtain door she was surprised no one had greeted her yet. Especially her son.

Normally she’d be a*s deep with people bombarding her with question after question, or some complaint. Her son, who looked almost too human to belong to her or Sundu, would be glued to her leg, scrambling up her side until she finally gave in and picked him up.

I need to stop doing that, the half-orc thought rubbing over the stubble on her head, Kid’s almost eight years old. I can’t keep carrying him around.

The hideout was quiet this time.

Peaceful even.

Giving her neck one final crack, Ravalynn fell back into a ratty leather chair. Unlacing her boots and kicking them to the floor, she propped her feet on the mismatched footrest allowing herself to relax in her little safe haven. Her tongue idly played with the iron ring embedded in her lip. A smile crept over her face as the bitter taste buzzed through her mouth. Sundu would be back soon.

She always eagerly anticipated their fearless leader’s return. The old place felt so lonely while he was away. Happened every few months; Eeto, Sundu and herself would take up inventory, find out what they needed, then he and the dwarf woman would be off to the Pirate City of Blackwater Bay. The trip took two months in total. A couple weeks to and from, and they would spend the rest of that time gathering supplies and haggling for good prices.

“Too long, if you ask me,” Ravalynn pouted. She missed her beau every time he left. The bed was too cold and she had no one to back her up in case of trouble.

Resting her head back and stretching out, the half-orc sighed. “He’ll be back though.” She nodded to herself. Letting out a big yawn her eyes fell closed and slowly, she drifted to sleep.

“Rees give it back!”

Her eyes shot open and body jolted at the sound. A loud argument bellowed up the hallway from the lower level. Swearing to herself, Ravalynn held a hand to her chest as if trying to keep it from pounding out of her chest. They always knew when she was on the brink of relaxation. And how to nearly scare her to death!

Craning her neck to look around into the meeting room, she saw the cause of the commotion bounding up the stairs. Rees, the company's second strongest sword-slinger, was holding a book of some sort out of arm's reach of her son, Cyril. Twirling about and teasing him.

Probably one of his spell books or tomes, or whatever mage-wizard-thingies use, she thought.

Rees being nearly four times the boy's size, and more than three times his age, seemed to be having a good laugh watching the little thing jump. Cyril's enormous wizard hat wasn't helping his cause, as it kept falling over his eyes. Poor boy was red in the face, eyes brimming and nose running. This only happened whenever he was on the brink of mastering a new skill and someone interrupts.

Ravalynn sighed, she should stop this before Cyril tripped on his robes. Or set the place on fire, again. She loved her son dearly but mixing magic with a tantrum was never good. Besides, she could not have him crawling into bed with her and Sundu because Rees ruined his sigil, or cracked a rune, or something.

A deep frown formed on her face. That could not happen. This would be the first night Sundu would be home in two months and Ravalynn was expecting to give him her complete attention. All night long. That brought a smile back to her face. Seeing her lover home was good in itself, but seeing him sweating above, behind, and any other way she could was so much better.

The thought was almost enough to melt her back into the chair when a gust of icy wind burst through the room. “Goddess be damned, Cyril, not again!” Ravalynn cried out, her arms doing absolutely nothing to shield the rest of her bare skin from the cold.

A high-pitched scream ripped through the air. Cyril barrelled around the corner and launched himself in Ravalynn’s lap. “Momma!! Rees is trying to kill me!”

The man in question roared with fury. Cyril’s book flew into the room and smacked against the opposite wall. A large, scarred hand gripped the wall as Rees hauled himself into the entryway, left foot completely frozen. Silver hair hung over bloodshot eyes, teeth gritted in rage.

“That boy is a menace!” he spat as he hobbled closer. The veins in his neck strained against his skin threatening to burst. He stomped and kicked, trying anything to break the ice. “Look at what he did to my f****n’ foot! It’s gone numb!”

Scooping up her son, Ravalynn moved around the chair. Wasn’t much but, anything between her and Rees was better than nothing. “Maybe if you acted your age and stopped messing with him your foot wouldn’t get frozen.” She backed away, clutching the terrified boy tightly. Her breathing became ragged. It took all she had not to show the panic quickly rising within her.

A large fist slammed against the plaster causing the small woman to jump. Rees took awkward steps towards them, “Stop making excuses for him, you stupid b***h! He’s a terror.”

“He’s a child!”

“Stand down Rees!”

Ravalynn turned to see the watchman for the door stalking towards them, daggers set between his gloved fingers. He placed himself between his boss and the raging man. Slowly he ushered the woman and child around to the meeting room, keeping a good distance away from Rees.

“The f**k you think you’re gonna do?” Rees laughed. “Gonna stab me, little man?”

“I’ve coated these in belladonna oil. One good hit is all I need.” He stared the large warrior down, almost daring him to try something.

Rees’s dark eyes darted between the watchman and Ravalynn. Finally with an angry bellow, he stomped his foot down hard enough to shatter the ice. Shaking off the numbness, the older man glared Ravalynn down before storming out the door.

The moment the door slammed shut Ravalynn’s body went weak. All the energy she had used to hide her terror completely drained out. She trembled and her breath hadn’t caught up with her heart, sending shooting pains through her chest. Shaking her head, the half-orc realized the watchman had said something to her. She told him she really was fine before shakily setting Cyril down. With a wave and small noise she meant to sound reassuring, but probably didn’t, Ravalynn turned and wobbled off towards her bedroom.

Once safe behind the thick wooden door, she dashed to the bed and sobbed. Her chest cried out in pain as no amount of air seemed to fill it, and her heart refused to slow down. Burying her face in the sheets, she tried to keep the wet, ragged breathing from being heard outside. Her hands pulled at her hair and clawed at her scalp. All of her body was still buzzing with electric nerves. No matter how much she wanted to she couldn’t relax.

Reaching out, she grabbed a large pillow and pulled it to her face. Soon her nostrils filled with the familiar musky scent of her lover. Her fingers ran over the rough material and slowly her muscles loosened their grip. She could almost feel Sundu’s strong arms around her, and began to feel safe again. In her mind she could hear his deep breathing and feel his heart thumping gently against her head.

Nuzzling the pillow, she whispered, “Sundu… Come back before he does. Please…”

A soft knock at the door caused her to quickly wipe away the tears before turning over. The door slowly opened and Cyril popped his head in, obviously worried.


Ravalynn coughed and sat up, holding out her arms, “Hey, bugbear. I’m fine, I promise.”

The brown-headed boy trotted over and crawled into his mother’s lap. She wrapped him up tightly and rested her forehead on top of his smooth locks. No longer wanting to hug, he placed an ear to her chest and listened.

“It’s still going fast,” he stated sadly, “I didn’t mean to scare you. Rees is just so mean!” Cyril’s lip trembled.

Ravalynn smiled at him, “It’s not your fault. Just try to stay away from Rees from now on, especially when papa’s not around. Okay?”

Cyril nodded then rested his head in the crook of his mother’s shoulder. They sat like this for a few minutes before he said, “You always get really scared when Rees is around. You never let him get close or touch you, and always get real shaky. Why?”

The half-orc swallowed and stammered, “Let's, uh, let's not worry about that, eh? Papa’s coming home soon, so why don’t you make sure all your things are picked up?” With a small laugh she added, “You can even show him that new trick you’ve been working on.”

“The teleportion one?”

“Yeah, the teleportation one.” Cyril hopped off the woman’s lap, pulling her to the door. She patted his head and told him to go on, she would be out soon enough.

That didn’t make him happy but, he nodded and slowly backed out the door, “Love you, momma…”

Ravalynn smiled, “I love you too, Cyril. Thank you.” Pausing she quietly added, “D-don’t mention this to papa. Can you do that for me?”


“I, uh, I just don’t want him to worry, is all. So let’s just keep it between us, okay?”

His eyebrows furrowed and she could see he didn’t like that. Not one bit. He turned his gaze down and mumbled, unsure, “Okay…”

Taking hold of the doorknob, Cyril turned to leave. Before he even took a step out the door, Cyril’s jaw stiffened in determination and he looked back to her, “I’m going to get really good at my magic and make sure you never get scared again.”

She stepped forward to say something but her son left before she could. Now Ravalynn just stood in the middle of the bedroom. Her eyes fixed on the door as if she expected something else to happen. When nothing did, she turned idly in the room, looking at nothing. Shaking her head, Ravalynn straightened the linen blankets and furs on the bed. Not sure why she felt the need to do that but, her hands needed be active.

Chewing on the inside of her lip, the half-orc paced about the large space trying to find anything to keep her busy. Anything to keep her mind off of Rees. Her fingers drummed on the dresser, her eyes darted to the mirror then to the floor. Turning, she leaned back and tapped her heel, arms folded tightly to her chest. Groaning in frustration she forced her hands through her mohawk, pulling her head back as she remembered what she was wearing.

A tight leather band that wrapped around her breasts, exposing everything else, and shorts that barely covered her a*s. What was she thinking, wearing such a thing when Sundu wasn’t home? An outfit like this is what started the trouble anyway.

Poking a finger through the gaps in the ties of the band, she pouted, “I like wearing things like this, though… Sure it makes the ‘proper ladies’ gawk in disgust but I feel so nice in this.” Stepping away from the dresser, Ravalynn turned slightly to look at her backside, “Besides, my a*s looks fantastic in these shorts. So those ladies can kiss it. They wish they had an a*s like this.”

That made her smile. Facing the mirror completely, Ravalynn lifted her arms, tightened her stomach, twisted and turned watching every muscle stretch and contort under her skin. Spotting the stretch marks riding along the sides of her abdomen, she smiled even wider. She loved those marks. Tracing her fingers over the small dips, Ravalynn thought fondly of the months she spent pregnant with her wonderful boy. Once the marks showed up after she lost the baby weight she never wanted them gone. Tiny badges of honor.

The smile faded again as her mind drifted to after Cyril was born. Rees seemed to be around every corner, especially when Sundu was gone. Even further back when she was developing all of her curves at fifteen and sixteen. She was much smaller then, and Rees loomed over her shoulder saying things that made her skin crawl.

Shaking the terrible memories away, she growled inwardly. Stupid Rees. “Why can’t you just drink yourself into a grave and leave me alone?”

“I hope you’re not talking about me,” a deep voice chuckled.

Her head shot up and in the mirror her eyes landed on a loving face. Whipping around the half-orc practically lept from one end of the room and into her lover’s arms, “Sundu!” Wrapping her legs around his waist, she planted kiss on the minotaur’s waiting lips.

Pulling away, her hand caressed his jaw, “Goddess, when did you- I didn’t even hear you come in!”

“You seemed pretty occupied with whatever was on your mind.” She could feel his large hands moving to her rear to support her. Even though holding her thighs would have been just as good. He gave her a cheeky grin, exposing the gaps where teeth had once been, “Besides, I had a pretty good view watching you admire yourself in the mirror.”

Ravalynn gasped, scrambling out of his arms, “You b*****d! How much of that did you see?”

The large minotaur wasn’t letting her go that easily, “I came in around when you said something about having a nice a*s. And my parents were married, thank you, miss.” He chuckled as her cheeks burned red, laughing harder as she buried her face in his neck, groaning.

Moving his arm so he supported her weight on his forearm, Sundu ran his fingers along the smooth skin of her spine. He couldn’t help but smile when the small woman shivered.

With a click of his tongue he added, “I like your a*s in those shorts, too.”

“I know you do,” Ravalynn’s muffled voice responded. She tightened her hold around his neck and breathed in his familiar scent. Sighing into his neck fur she whispered, “I missed you.”

Sundu’s chest shook as he chuckled, “And I missed you, leman.”

Whirling around the large male fell back on the bed, his long, muscular legs resting over the edge. The awkward position caused Ravalynn to pull her limbs out from under his body. He laughed as she nearly fell off when her foot kept getting caught up in the furs. That earned him a playful slap to the chest. Finally the small woman managed to effectively straddle her beau’s hips, pumping her fist triumphantly.

“Took you a little longer than normal,” Sundu quipped, wagging his bushy eyebrows. “Losing your touch with age?”

Ravalynn’s jaw dropped, “I’m twenty-five!”

“Ah yes, but when you were twenty-four you were much quicker at getting untangled.” he tsked sadly.

Growling in amused frustration, Ravalynn began to playfully punch the minotaur’s chest. Sundu laughed at her efforts, defending himself with his forearms. He let her get a few hits in before gripping her waist tightly in just the right places. A shrill shriek ripped from her lungs as her limbs snapped to her sides trying to fend off the attack. Her body twisted and writhed with laughter, and suddenly she found herself under her beau.

Slowly her giggling quieted as Sundu ended his tickle torture to her ribs. She wiped her eyes clear and smiled up at the large minotaur. A warm grin spread across his face in reply. His calloused palms roamed along her side. The sensation causing Ravalynn to twitch and arch her back. She could feel the two and a half fingers he still had on his right hand grip her ribcage, his thumb caressing along the edge of the band.

Reaching a hand up, she pushed dark copper hair away from his eyes. A small chuckle escaped her lips- she could almost see herself in the near black orbs. If she could, Ravalynn would stare into Sundu’s eyes for an eternity.

That would get strange, though, she thought with a grin.

Her eyes and hand travelled up to the dingy, white horns that protruded from his scalp. Trailing over the gold rings that wrapped around them. Sharpened to a deadly point, she knew those horns brought devastating injuries to enemies who got too close. Many people feared his kind simply because their silhouette made them look like monstrous demons. They didn’t frighten her, though. Neither did he.

Gripping the horn in her hand, she allowed the other to play across his chest. Sundu was so broad one and a half of her would be needed to cover him. Not that she minded that. It felt so nice when he would pull her close and hold her. The fur along his neck tickling her nose, his chest rising and falling as he breathed, and the warmth that melted into her made her feel at peace.

With a gentle tug, Ravalynn pulled her lover down for her kiss. He propped himself on his forearms and trapped her hips under his. One of his broad legs on either side of her’s and his leather kilt pinning both to the bed. She felt his free hand wrap itself up in her hair and give him control of her head. The half-orc couldn’t help but smile as her head was tilted back opening both her mouth and her neck up to the minotaur.

She arched her back into him as he left her lips and trailed small kisses down her throat. Her fingers left his chest to tangle in his neck fur, the others curled in his hair, holding him close. The breath caught in her chest as Sundu playfully licked up to her ear. His breath hot against her skin. A sharp moan escaped her as the male sucked the soft spot just behind her jaw.

“That’s going to leave a mark, isn’t it?” she panted.

Sundu chuckled deep in his chest. The vibrations buzzing through Ravalynn’s stomach. “I have to mark my territory. Other’s might think you’re up for grabs.” He emphasized his point by sucking harder and using his flat teeth to darken the mark.

Her knees wanted to curl at the sensation, but the kilt kept them trapped to the bed. The hips, however, were free to push themselves into his. Telling the arrogant b*****d he was playing her just right.

“F**k…” she whispered against his ear.

“That’s what I plan on doing.” he responded.

The hand holding her ribs moved down her belly, relishing in the small twitches he received until he reached his target. Tugging on the small drawstrings, the Sundu untied the her shorts and slipped his large hand down the back to cup her rear. He laughed at the small squeak he got in return.

Massaging the muscle Sundu hummed, “Feels tighter than I remember.”

“A girl has to keep her figure.” she laughed breathily.

“You don’t need to,” the shorts were slowly pushed down Ravalynn’s thighs, “I’ve never seen a woman more beautiful than you.”

“Shut up, silly bull.” Her own hands began tugging the kilt upward, all the while gazing into Sundu’s eyes. She had the material halfway there when a thought struck, “Did you lock the door?”

Sundu paused, “I think I-”


The two jumped at the muffled voice as it rang past the door. Scrambling to set everything right, they barely had enough time before Cyril burst into the room. He didn’t even notice that his mother was still trying to retie her shorts, face burning red, as he launched himself into Sundu’s lap.

“Papa you’re home, you’re home!” Cyril bounced excitedly.

“Yes, yes, I’m home!” Sundu laughed pulling Cyril into a tight hug. The small boy nearly disappeared in his father’s massive arms.

Pushing back, using his little legs as leverage, Cyril beamed, “Papa, I lost a tooth while you were gone! See?” He opened his mouth wide and pointed to the hole where a canine tooth once sat in his lower jaw.

Taking his son’s face in hand, Sundu examined the spot. Nodding, he smiled, “Starting to take after your old man?” showing off his own missing teeth.

“Do I really look like you?” Jumping off Sundu’s lap, Cyril darted over to the mirror, scrambling on to the dresser to properly see. Laughing, he turned back to his parents, “I do!”

Standing, Sundu came up behind his son and sighed, “Well, at least your tooth will grow back,” scooping the boy up, he added, “And hopefully you won’t get the permanent ones knocked out like I did. I’d rather see you with a full set than a gapped mug like mine.”

“Oh hush, you,” Ravalynn butted in, “I like your smile.” Wrapping her arm around one of his, she leaned into her beau, smiling at him through the mirror.

Balancing his son in the crook of his arm, Sundu pulled Ravalynn in, wrapping them all in a tender hug. Kissing them both on the head the great minotaur sighed, “I’ve missed you both so much,”

Placing his son back on the ground he added, “Perhaps next time we all go. I can show you how to make a proper deal. What? It’s not just good for our line of work,” Sundu noted when he saw the side-eyed glare Ravalynn shot at him, “Cyril will need to know these things just so he doesn’t get cheated in day to day shopping.”

“Let’s save that idea for a later date,” Ravalynn huffed, “I’m sure Eeto and Barber are probably getting started on dinner. So go wash up, you can pester your papa later.”

She spun the boy around and gently kicked him towards the door. Leaning against the door frame, she smiled as Cyril continued to chitter on about his new spells and all the neat things he had been up to until finally he was out and darting off to the washroom. With a deft spin, the door shut and Ravalynn stood, braced against it. Peering up at her beau through hooded eyes, she bit her lip and giggled.

His back straightened, chest puffing out. With powerful steps Sundu closed the gap between them and fixed his hands on either side of her. A deep chested chuckle rumbled from him as he leaned in close. She could feel his breath on her face and the heat radiating from him. Just before their lips met, a sharp thud echoed in her ear as the deadbolt locked into place.

“Let’s continue where we left off,” His deep voice in her ear sent a shiver up her spine. A smiled spread over her face for only a brief moment before full lips enveloped her’s, and the two were lost in passion once again.

© 2016 R.O.A.R.

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Added on April 3, 2016
Last Updated on April 3, 2016
Tags: half-orc, minotaur, mage, thieves, romance, panic attacks



Arkansas City, KS

I didn't get into writing until I took a creative writing class back in high school. The teacher was a big source of confidence and inspiration which led to me starting my first big projects. I've nev.. more..

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by R.O.A.R.

Chapter Three Chapter Three

A Chapter by R.O.A.R.