Stormy Night

Stormy Night

A Poem by AJ Douglas

Tonight there will be no stars
the sun sliding as do fingers
on the smooth surface of satin
below the horizon in silent surrender
as surly clouds creep
across the twilight sky
their grumbling reverberating
off the rooftops announcing
their impending arrival
like the birth pangs
of a laboring mother
Serpentine tongues of
lightning taste the air
as I wonder about the weather
in London at this late hour
if maybe you might be
dreaming about a
storm somewhere

© 2023 AJ Douglas

My Review

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The lightning bugs are going off tonight. Stormy dreams on my horizon.
the motions and emotional
imagry alive and excitingly
strong. Good job!!

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on June 18, 2023
Last Updated on June 18, 2023
Tags: storm, stars, clouds, sky, lightning, thunder, love, loneliness, London