I stain the poem

I stain the poem

A Poem by angelina neves

For Albert�s Poetry cafe -10 words challenge


Surprise suprise!

Casualities happen

When silence and still

We do nothing wrong


Ambush in invisibility

Some bugs got me



Dorp and drop

From my poor nose

I could water a vase


But the poor flowers

Would get their pollen sticky


My throat is sore

My ears are dizzeling

And my head

Seams as if made of wood


And I must go now

Oh! I stain the poem

With my running nose...

I’m sorry


No inspiration

No muse around here

Just desolation:

The flue bugs got me...


© 2008 angelina neves

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Flu bugs get gone! This poem drips. ;-)

Posted 16 Years Ago

Writing when you are sick, very admrable. Nice poem, very well writen. I really don't like the feeling of having that flu, expecially because I don't take any form of medication. They do seem to get you when you least expect it.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Very clever use of the 10 words. A touch of humour which I hope will help you recover from the flu, as I've come to learn from reading the reviews.

Posted 16 Years Ago

This is cute, but also clever. What a way to weave those words in! I'm enjoying seeing all of the different things we can come up with using those ten words. :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

LOL, this was a classic! What a clever little piece using your wretched flu to the best
advantage. Maybe is was the "Flu muse" that was around to inspire you, or may it
was the wonderful words that Tovli came up with. You wove them in there beautifully!
Thanks for the laugh.....not laughing at you like Liz said, but laughing along with you.
What can one do when one feels so sick....at least you still have your sense of humour!!

Hugs Helena :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

Oh my! Poor Angie. Your ten word write is great for the funny bone...not that I'm laughing at you dear. I'm sorry you are sick...but you do manage to make the most of a bad situation.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on June 17, 2008
Last Updated on June 18, 2008

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