Turning Point

Turning Point

A Poem by Tate Morgan

This moment came for me that is on the morning my son was born When my thoughts turned from mine to his whereby a better man was sworn


Tate with Mitchel his cousin 5yrs old

Upon delivery of Tate

I decided to cast some rules

Become the master of his fate

by using knowledge as if tools


The first rule cast for us back then

to never publicly disgrace

I think important to all men

of every color and race


The second was to listen hard

to whatever he has to say

Only then would I think to tell

how the situation might weigh


The third and final thought I had

to make him learn to love himself

Not to assume that he is bad

for what I'm guilty of myself


There comes a time, when we face truth

only then do we change our ways

Cast out the follies of our youth

place in memory childhood days


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© 2016 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
It is a humbling thing to create a child. To see yourself through their eyes. Most men believe death the great equalizer. It isn't true at least for those who have passed away. The truth is the great equalizer is the birth of your own child. Only then do we fear the truth and realize our actions have consequences. We realize then everything we ever do from that point on will be studied and mimicked in fine detail. Reflecting good or ill upon our children's future. With them go the hopes and dreams of all humanity.

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A true honest piece, you will be at a time when all will go so naturally.... I loved it, because we propagate resulting in the evolution of every father, there is and shall be a new father, sometimes the opposite and there are difficulties, other times, there is true luck, and we should take all out of that. But be aware of the good and beautiful things in life, always, this write is not to late, it's a eye-opener... The message is so clear, from which part of the world we were born, be good to them. They are our future.

It's beautiful. Thank you Tate.


Posted 11 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


There comes a time, when we face truth

only then do we change our ways

..................a good write and thinking. I always your fan. Your writings about the younger generation are having more welcoming aspects. My ever enquiring wishes.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Great write..!!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Reading this made me sad, and happy. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

A child can make us look at our life. Make us realize how unimportant we are. We must love and protect the child. When we hold our child for the first time. We learn. Life is what we leave behind. We are the teachers of the future. Thank you for the outstanding poetry.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I love your core expression of love and commitment in this...it's just another example of the fine man you are.. Your blessed with them..and yet they are equally blessed to have you..x

Posted 11 Years Ago

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Tate, I love all your work, and this is no exception :) Beautiful!

Posted 11 Years Ago

What a great expression of how every parent should feel. I liked how clear and easy to understand the message was, yet written to flow and spill over my mind. Well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Excellently written poem on fatherhood and how the unexpected change comes when one loses self because of the arrival of another life, our own seed. The lines flow easy and smoothly, and the message is relevant to all. Beautiful and affectionate write, a great tribute to your child.

Posted 11 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

They should hand this out to every new father in the hospitals. I loved this piece, there's not a single thing I would change. well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago

A very wonderfully written piece, how amazing it is when a child of our own comes into this world. We take all we have done and try to make amend, find the good and structure it within. This wonderful write speaks of clear honesty inside, a man well-traveled and a perfect man to guide.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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57 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on July 6, 2012
Last Updated on July 6, 2016
Tags: poetry, Life, Sad, adventure, mystery, pain, poem, romance, story, heart, love


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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