The Master's Plan

The Master's Plan

A Poem by Tate Morgan

I am sure it will outlive me standing long after my own time Taking note of my grandchildren lending life both music and rhyme


Tates Tree Swing

There is a great tree where we live

It's a comfort to have it near

We pass by it every day

it has stood for many a year


In the last twenty years or so

as I passed the days of my prime

I found that I kept going back

seeking solace time after time


What amounted to years for us

were days in the life of the tree

It stands there stout, towering, firm

be-lying grace that comforts me


I'd lie beneath the canopy

where I would stare up at the sky

Watching the leaves blow in the wind

counting the years as they passed by


So majestic is this old tree

oh the lives that it's watched over

How many loves have come and gone

amongst the leaves amid clover


Yesterday I happened to see

Tate with his girl beneath its arms

Swinging within its warm embrace

while it happily shared its charms


I am sure it will outlive me

standing long after my own time

Looking after my grandchildren

sharing love of music and rhyme


This tree has watched my son grow up

from a small boy to a young man

Here it stands in graceful beauty

a small piece of the Masters plan



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© 2017 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
The years pass us by so quickly. Sometimes I wonder what has happened to them all. However I am blessed with a loving child who has given me so much. I share these memories with all my friends in reverence to the life and love they have marked.

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This is such a heartwarming poem. I love trees and thinking about how much of history they must have been through. Thanks for sharing! :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

11 Years Ago

hi thank you very much
Very delightful and yes my friend it made me smile. As always awesomely done
Hugs and Love Ya

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

11 Years Ago

Dont you just wish it were 30 years ago and everything was so much simpler and more fun
Donna DeLong Matthews aka Gold Pen Ghost

11 Years Ago

Yes Tate I sure do....
Tate, this is so beautiful and reminds me of a rope and tire swing hanging in a farmyard from a grand old tree..Which is still standing, swing gone after all of these yeaars..I saw the ad at tahe bottom..thank yoou so much..Kathie

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

11 Years Ago

Hi Kathy I am tickled that this piece has touched you and for a moment has taken you back in time to.. read more

11 Years Ago

Or the memories of daddy pushing us kids while we were on it..Kids today want all the electronic thi.. read more
Tate Morgan

11 Years Ago

When we were young the worst thing other than a nap was to be made to come in and stay in the house... read more
Tate, I want to thank you for sharing this warming, moving poem with me. I too have an old love of trees, and your poem brought back some wistful memories. There is an Oak tree in Humble, Texas with my and Patt Pruitt' s initials carved caringly in its side. Your poem was wonderful. Thanks

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

11 Years Ago

Thank you that surely was an endearing thought.I too remember carving initials in the tree of life T.. read more
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Beautiful work, Tate. It is simply amazing how things such as this can take us back to such beautiful times in our lives. Cheers, my fellow bard.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

11 Years Ago

Cord I havent seen you in a while .Thank you.I agree these ideas seem to hit upon universal feelings.. read more
This tree has watched my son grow up
from a small boy to a young man
Here it stands in graceful beauty
a small piece of the Masters plan

Beautiful. Just beautiful - I too have a special affinity for trees. When I was a little girl we had an ash tree in our back yard. I would climb up into it and survey the neighborhood - unseen by my mom below when she stood under the tree. I was banned from climbing it - but I did it anyway. IT was a challenge to get up into it without being discovered.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

11 Years Ago

I did the very same thing and as a man i took a great liking to the story the giving tree which insp.. read more
Once again Tate you touch my spirit with a topic so very near and dear to me, as some of my best friends are "Trees." Which is why the following lines moved me completely,
"I found that I kept going back
seeking solace time after time"
Specific ancient trees in my own life have been watered by my tears, heard my deepest longings, and secrets; they have comforted and embraced me with an inexplicably deep and profound acceptance and assuring love that defies description just as this insightful piece has done. "Grand Slam Home Run Sir!"

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

11 Years Ago

You and I share these thoughts so akin to the huiman condition. Tatertot has a forty foot swing in t.. read more
Veronica Chandler

11 Years Ago

From your keyboard to the gates of heaven!
I have a special affinity for trees. They are my favorite huggable things. I remember my parents planting a maple tree when I was young and when I was last home, it was so huge! I could only imagine what it had seen in this years since I'd last visited it. Your poem is such a lovely expression of growing up and living.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

11 Years Ago

I feel the same I think they embody our spiritual selves

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80 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on May 8, 2013
Last Updated on September 22, 2017
Tags: poetry


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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