Blue Skies and Green Fields

Blue Skies and Green Fields

A Poem by Tate Morgan

We soaked the torch in gasoline lit that baby and let it burn “Oh yeah” we said, “they'll soon be dead” as we each torched the trees in turn


Me on the left Tony in the middle and Kerny on the right

Tony and I got up that day

As we looked for something to do

then with Kerny, took a journey

to the edge of the world we knew

I had brought a pack of cigarettes

we pilfered from the night before

From a red shirt, covered in dirt

his brother had left on the floor


As with all young boys of the time

we thought smoking would make us cool

And so we choked, as each one smoked

and acted then played the fool

Kerny brought along some fireworks

which were great for blowing up cans

Oh each could see, we were the three

who always had great master plans


On the lane that led to the house

were double rows of cherry trees

each infested, there they nested

with tent worms and a few with bees

It didn’t take much of a thought

to imagine routing them out

We made a torch, up on the porch

we would take care of them no doubt


We soaked the torch in gasoline

lit that baby and let it burn

“Oh yeah” we said, “they'll soon be dead”

as we each torched the trees in turn

When we had finished with that chore

flaming lollipops came to mind

As all the worms, then met our terms

there were none left for us to find


We were right proud of what we'd done

headed off for the house to gloat

So we the worst, quenched our thirst

there by the pond we called the moat

The day was only half over

after lunch we had plans to roam

So off we went, without repent

down the hill away from his home


We took the riding lawnmower

down the hill that led to the creek

Each full of fire, we'd never tire

there was no mercy for the weak

We used the mower to pull out

the bushes that blew in the breeze

then threw them off, the winding trough

where the creek had played through the trees


The only problem with this plan

came when we noticed all we'd done

For if we could, trumped if we should

though it was in the name of fun

luckily it was getting dark

the mosquitoes had taken flight

We'd done our best, gave it a rest

went back home and called it a night


There were always things to do then

around the hundred acre wood

With luck we'd keep, forgoing sleep  

and would live as we thought boys should

For there we tasted happiness

without television or phone

tested our strength, to such great length

that our muscles ached to the bone


So now we look back in dismay

as America's kids grow fat

We don't know why, our kids won't try

or why one might act like a brat

  They lack what we took for granted

the reward work and toil both yields

The right to play, every day

under blue skies on green fields

To Tony's mother Gladys in Heaven."Thank you for the love you shared with me and every child that ever crossed your doorstep." Here was a beautiful life!

© 2014 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
My days as a child were filled by adventures. Some turned out good some bad. This one we pulled small trees and bushes out to throw over the bank where the creek took a hard turn. We wanted to keep the bank from eroding. However we kept going till we had torn out god knows how many trees and bushes. Too Many! But like most of the adventures we had we were plenty tired when we finished..It is this loss of activity that makes Americas children overweight. If we keep going the way we are our children will one day go to detox for being addicted to their phones.

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Shy guy flipping me off (Kerny) I knew that kid , I was that kid , I 've been whipped for that "Photo Bomb" but today that is past, not even rebellious, oh boys fit a mold, and grow to be like the men around them , or the absence of them, don't mean to make the girls feel guilty they will do it all on their own.but boys need to play hard , the life they will be expected to live will be hard, so let em fall, cry , get tough,and drive anything that runs, ride anything with hair,and sleep in the thick night air ,sip water at every stream, they will need a strong belly full of a diversity of e coli to survive the world we are going to leave em. Good job Tate.

Posted 10 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


This is nice, I like the story of it. I also liked how in each stanza there were two lines that always had two words that rhymed within. Great work.

Posted 10 Years Ago

i still remember hanging on the tree top and trembling while looking down and my cousin who was with me pretending to throw me down and i yell out and he laughingly holds my hand and calms me...............
and a lot more
and u have really put up a nostaligic gateway up there

Posted 10 Years Ago

A superb adventurous story about boys doing boy things. I remember the days of playing with my friends outside doing whatever it was we did at the time. And now true there's not much of that since technology came into the picture. And what a shame it is. All I can say is those were the days. And the rhyming worked very well with this.

Posted 10 Years Ago

The adventures we had to seek out to amuse our days with, were certainly fuel for creativity and imagination. I wonder if I'd have written as much when I was younger had I been handed a games controller instead of paper and pens? A nostalgic read.

Posted 10 Years Ago

A superb piece that shows just how lazy my generation is! Apparently, I should get out more.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Great Poem. I love a good poem about adventure. No wonder you are getting so many reviews yo are very talented.

Posted 10 Years Ago

I wish i could do many fun things but being a ten year old people don't want to take you anyway. Especially, in my neighborhood. I want friends with good interests.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Takes me away to a time I never knew as a child. A time where kids would kick soda cans down a dusty, country road. When summer was a constant outdoor adventure, not an all-day cartoon marathon watched from the couch. It invokes a feeling of woe, sadness, but carefree joy and curious mischief. The fact that it rhymes gives it ease of reading and adds to its overall whimsy. Very enjoyable!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Video gawd it drives me mad. There's a rule in my house...if it's nice out...they must GO OUT AND PLAY...if they choose not to, then I give them chores to do. Kids need to be games do not challenge the imagination. Like you, I grew up in a small town. I had to create my own fun with bugs, sticks, and mud pies. There were many years when I didn't even have friends to make trouble with...imaginary kept me sane when the boredom became overwhelming. I call these coping mechanisms...I need this skill to grow thicker skin for a harsh and demanding world. This new generation will be lacking in these skills. You look at them wrong...they cry to their mums and dads....they want the world given to them on a silver platter. Most of them will never know a cigarette...a game of truth or dare...

Posted 10 Years Ago

Love this one Tate, (like Lee) you have described my childhood too. Great read with nice rhyme & flow. And yeah! Kids should be out catching tadpoles or climbing a tree, not on a bloody Playstation or Xbox.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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60 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on July 28, 2013
Last Updated on June 14, 2014
Tags: poetry


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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