A Legend in My Time

A Legend in My Time

A Poem by Tate Morgan

I might be just a lost soul if not for the life we share For all the times that I have failed it's as wonder that you still care

Rebecca and I


A special world are you and I

wrapping around us with its tune

A bond I feel but cannot see

giving heart to the soul love's tune


The fingers spread like fine-spun gold

a silken thread that holds us fast

Firmly tightened around our lives

showing the future not the past


When you awake in fear of new

know it be truth and not just lies

Hold tight to that which binds your heart

it is the might of love that ties

I'd be no more than a lost soul

if not for the life we two share

For all the times that I have failed

it's still a wonder why you care

You bring warm, sunshine to the rain

happiness, to daily strife

The giddy, chimes of childhood

the unending, light of my life


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© 2020 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
Rebecca has become such a part of me I can hardly tell where I end and she begins. I am eternally grateful and shall stay so as long as I walk this earth. Thankfully she doesn't look at my past failures as possible future ones. However I hold no delusions about my own misgivings. I tend to leave the house a wreck. I am not easy to get along with. I tend to think I am always right. That aside I have but one true redeeming characteristic,that of total unending devotion. May it prove to be enough to carry the day.

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Wow! Love. Love. Love. Without your significant other, you would be a lost soul...
So wonderful!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

Well its treu Id be a lost soul if she and i ever broke up. Thankfully she looks at me and sees only.. read more
A esurience of relatable essence of sheer passion for love itself, well penned.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

Love is its own reward It would seem may that always be true I hope thank you
As uplifting as ever. You look life in the face, celebrate the good and strive for the better. A good way to be in what is a continual test to us all.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

I am the eternal optimist and hopeless romantic. I hope i never lose that childish wonder thanks Orl.. read more
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“A bond I feel but cannot see”

Like they say: love binds us all as one. A soul will always have a counterpart. Its peaks our other half. It completes us, bringing a content feeling in your life.

“I'd be no more than a lost soul
if not for the life we two share”

OH, I love those line. It makes me think that we are all lost soul, even the young ones. It a thorough journey in finding the one that makes us complete.

“You bring warm, sunshine to the rain
happiness, to daily strife
The giddy, chimes of childhood
the unending, light of my life”

I just love the ending, it brings warmth and mushy feeling of love. It is a good message to bring to your one true love. Never lose what your precious find my friend.

It’s a feel good piece! Very nice!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

Pax nice to see you I hope your life is getting better nowadays and you are happy
Sounds like this girl really loves you, every man has hes faults you know just like every rose will have its thorn. She loves you and sees beyond your faults and into your heart and soul. That is true love.
This poem is sweet and romantic, really touching and straight from your heart. I liked this piece quite allot :)
Have you shown Rebecca this?

Posted 10 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

Oh yeah she loves me despite my shortcomings which a good thing for me
cimmy wuv xxxooo

10 Years Ago

that is great :)
Your words that you wove within this poem is exquisite of one's heart
Singing its praise, respect and unfathomable love you feel with the one
who you share your life with.

Great use of rhyme and flow, indeed very endearing write, Tate!

I'm very happy for you both. Thanks for sharing :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

Hi Barry thank you dear. You are a good soul and i am blessed to be your friend
ms. barrie

10 Years Ago

you're very welcome Tate...it's a beautiful write...and thank you, and likewise :)
There is such an unbreakable bond here, Tater Tot!!
I love the endearing array of words you have weaved in this
Lovely tapestry!

Wonderfully penned!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

Oh if i could i would wish the same for you
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Firmly tightened around our lives
showing the future not the past...

This is the best of loving, that we find someone who will walk with us into the future and allow us to leave the past behind. A nice poem of true affection, Tate - and just in time for Valentine's Day! :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

lol well it wasnt for that but I guess you are right Our wedding anniversary is a day before valenti.. read more

10 Years Ago

awww Thank you
Your poems always flow very nicely, they have a good rythum to them. I admire your talent.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

Thanks Brandon I guess i think the way i wrote as i am often thinking in rhyme and meter I suppose i.. read more
If two can match up in a tune and intertwine, I say that is soul mate equation. True love doesn't hold the past against another and your words clarify that. It's nice you say not to fear but we both know that it's natural to worry about something that seems too good to be true. The flesh is a weak vessel and strong at times. I admire your humbleness, that speaks volumes. Reassurance is what most women ask and want though they may not grasp and hold onto it due to their personal past. It's still good to hear. You express words of confidence when doubt could be the only cloud in sight. I just love happy endings. Nice closure.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

Thank you i wrote this for my dear Rebecca after she nearly cried at the house because taters and i .. read more

10 Years Ago

I am positive you wronged the right. We are human and mistakes, they happen. It's having a conscio.. read more

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43 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on January 24, 2014
Last Updated on July 15, 2020
Tags: Poetry


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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