Rich Or Poor

Rich Or Poor

A Poem by Tate Morgan

The smiles of children stamped in the mint of memory are the coin of the realm of happiness!



My great grandfather Ben

My great grandfather and grandmother Ben and Babe Morgan Circa 1920s

A rich man's son inherits want

with no desire to work hands bare

Gives the job to another man

to look out from his easy chair


A poor man's son inherits grace

born of toil and sweat of his brow

He adjudged of hard earned merit

pushes on what body will allow


The rich man's son inherits greed

with what malice it may entail

Thinking others beneath his station

for lack of character he does ail


The poor man's son inherits kindness

which with all others level stands

Then asks the outcast bless his door

to share the fruit of his two hands


Heir to what is the rich man's son

tender flesh that fears the cold

To the poor never gives his time

nor dare he wear a garment old


Inheriting, it seems to me

what no good man would wish to be


Heir to what is the poor man's son

strong muscles and pounding heart

Chipped of a marble character

beloved by all he touched in part


Inheriting, it seems to me

what all good men would wish to be

No claim to copyright fair use assumed

© 2022 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
It isn't that rich people are per-say bad. Nor that poor people are good. It is the human condition that sets up society by stature. And counts wealth by monetary gain. Money is never happiness. Yet we are told all the time that it is. Look around you. See the multitudes rushing to amass their fortunes. And for what. Women who followed Gloria Steinem's ideals that you can have it all are miserable. Why? Because you can't have it all. You can't spend a life climbing the corporate ladder. Waiting to reach some plateau in your late 30s and then start a family. Children are not easy to raise. Nor cheap to keep in health and happiness. So why does money seem to make so many crazy and so many unhappy? Because money can't hold a hand. Money can't read a child's bedtime story. And money cannot make memories that last a lifetime. Shared life does that. Family does that. Descendants are the answer to selflessness. I cannot forget the look of a child's face who waited for dad to come pick him up when we were children. Only to hear again and again dad was too busy to come get him. How long do we think we will live? Not long. The dreams of happiness preached on wall street are the lies that will not live forever neither will we. The smiles of children stamped in the mint of memory are the coin of the realm of happiness!

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My man Tate..I have actually read this through more then is to be reflected upon with more then a first glance. This understanding of being rich and having the world laid at your feet has for eternity been taken in stride...BUT...when you have toiled with your hands to bring your worth it is only then that you become RICH...those that believe the word rich applies solely to monetary gains are in fact poor...I would far rather be rich in mind and spirit enough to enjoy a fresh rain that has kissed the sweetest of roses bringing forth the decadence of scent burnt into memory that only a rose can bring then to be delivered a dozen cut, wrapped, or vased only to die...even then I would try to dry them so their existence is captured in time. I have often told men "Money neither impresses me or keep me...clothes do not make the man but are held together by a simple is the man himself do not have me find you lacking!" This said I would then ask who is truly rich and sorry to say really the poor..........

Posted 14 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.

Tate Morgan

2 Years Ago

You are a peach I lay my pen in reverence upon the ground beside your feet


Beautiful thanks for another beautiful poem

Posted 5 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

5 Years Ago

Thank you Julie much obliged
Like Wow! OMG, you are an exceptionally fabulous,down to earth beautifully well written author and pot. I honestly haven't done any reviews in the passed few years, you my dear frind have led me back to this cafe.i really do miss this place. Funny or rather ironic the way i stumbled my way through "my space" and found a haven called wr> l remember losing almost all of my writing during "the big crash" here, wben " charlie" came on to apologize t6 all of us, for he must have hit the wrong button, it was human error. Now I can tell you in my opinion, Charlie was a decent kinda guy. Humble, not arrogant / rude

Posted 7 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

7 Years Ago

Thanks Deb I too remember the crash it was quite painful I get along well with Charlie and I am glad.. read more
Lovely poem.
And you "Author's Note" is another poem... it is what i feel ...

Posted 7 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

7 Years Ago

Thank you i find it is a trait we cannot deny
It isn't that rich people are per-say bad. Nor that poor people are good. It is the human condition that sets up society by stature. And counts wealth by monetary gain. Money is never happiness. Yet we are told all the time that it is. Look around you. See the multitudes rushing to amass their fortunes. And for what. Women who followed Gloria Steinem's ideals that you can have it all are miserable. Why? Because you can't have it all. You can't spend a life climbing the corporate ladder. Waiting to reach some plateau in your late 30s and then start a family. Children are not easy to raise. Nor cheap to keep in health and happiness. So why does money seem to make so many crazy and so many unhappy? Because money can't hold a hand. Money can't read a child's bedtime story. And money cannot make memories that last a lifetime. Shared life does that. Family does that. Descendants are the answer to selflessness. I cannot forget the look of a child's face who waited for dad to come pick him up when we were children. Only to hear again and again dad was too busy to come get him. How long do we think we will live? Not long. The dreams of happiness preached on wall street are the lies that will not live forever neither will we. The smiles of children stamped in the mint of memory are the coin of the realm of happiness!
Tate I liked your point of view

Posted 7 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

7 Years Ago

Thank you I am happy to have touched a soul here and there
this truly captures what society has made people think of status. Immediately you judge someone once hearing of their bank details - rich must mean posh and rude - poor must mean kind and thankful. This captures that wonderfully!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

7 Years Ago

Willa thank you for this kindness
As if written by the likes of Pauric Colum... this could be one of your signature pieces yet!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

8 Years Ago

Thank you Tomas High praise indeed from you. I am humbled and beaming after reading that thank you.
This is the first of your work that I have read. I enjoyed and understand this reading. Coming from a working class family, immigrant coal miner grandfathers and myself a 61 year old lifetime steelworker, I know first hand the struggles of the little man.
I also have seen first hand the kindness and generosity of my fellow workers in helping stricken comrades and unfortunates in our community. I value being called a liberal, for my mind is liberated from the evil and sickness of selfish monetary gain.
Great write,

Posted 8 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

8 Years Ago

Thank you Richie I too come from a tough background and respect and admire those who earn their keep.. read more
I love how you brought this to a close, your poem has power and speaks very clearly.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Great.Reflection Of Human perception.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

8 Years Ago

Thank you Msharma
An astute observation of the foibles of life's paradoxes. Our perceptions of self are too often filtered through our circumstance instead of our character.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

8 Years Ago

True but the nexus of character is often so tied to the circumstances of ones life that created the .. read more

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110 Reviews
Shelved in 10 Libraries
Added on September 13, 2009
Last Updated on September 16, 2022
Tags: poetry, Life, Sad, adventure, mystery, pain, poem, romance, story, death, fantasy, fiction, heart, love


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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A Poem by Tate Morgan

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A Poem by Tate Morgan

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