Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love

A Poem by Tate Morgan

Those who live forever bonded round a fire and hearth, spin their tales Are stories truly worth the cost of a poor mother's cries and wails


Two friends upon a battlefield

one left on the ground as he dies

In a foxhole, the other sits

listening to his mate's poor, cries


The first man wanted to save his mate

but the Sergeant said, not to go

"You'll only kill yourself instead"

"I can't leave him that's all I know"


The Sergeant went to turn away

as the first man dove from the hole

"I have to save my friend," he said

"if it costs my immortal, soul"


Minutes later he slid back in

clutching his dead friend, in his arms

Mortally wounded, he was now

blood was pouring, from both forearms

 Laid to rest within his friends arms

"a waste" said the Sergeant, to some

"When I found him, he was alive

his last breath said" "I knew you'd come"


Those who live forever bonded

round a fire and hearth, tell the tales

Are stories told, worth the cost

of a poor mother's, cries and wails


Ask a man to die for country

he will die for his friend instead
But no matter why it happens

the poor man is still surely dead


Could we strive to be something more

than a tombstone, upon the ground

Is death the true test of friendship

when Taps plays, the ultimate sound


If we don't learn to love, brothers

extinction will be how Man ends

It's hard to live a life of pride

at the cost of so many friends



© 2020 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
Christ said " No greater love has any man than to lay down his life for a friend"
While war seems the ultimate test of this tenant. It is the ultimate shame of humanity. While I see the need of it in WW1 and WW2. These skirmishes since have been needless waste. Humanity will destroy itself if it doesn't stop this. If we don't find the way to forgo war we will all surly die from the shame of it. The countless women and children killed by it are enough reason.

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The actual perspective of the world has been portrayed.Well ! in this selfish one cares for only the life of himself, there are really very few ,hope in fingre count who really pour their true emotions. This is an appeal to all those who cry always for selfish interests only. As usual awesome work!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Powerful writing Tate. SAcrifing your own safet to save a friend worthy of admiration. But to die to no purpose merely stupid.
only when mankind realise we are all members of one family is there a chance of peace
I often fought with my brothers but as a family we were united against any outside interference

Posted 12 Years Ago

Funny how old and young men can become friends with words of being a soldier and understanding the cost of war. I like the story. Lifetime friendship are made and kept. I learn pain of war after I was done. My good friends were killed in Iraq. Always the thoughts that if I was there with them. Maybe the situation could of been different? Thank you for the story.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This was a pretty good read. I could feel the emotion and pain in it. Being a veteran I know some of the trials and tribulations of war. Necessary, for the world today, I think it is. Until people as a whole can see the connection we all share, people will continue to prey on others friends and families. To protect them we fight, like white blood cells attacking a virus. It is in our genes. I do not agree with all wars, and you have definitely shown certain pains of them. There is a brotherhood though that comes with it. Something nothing can replace. From that fire, the furnace of war, comes a bond stronger than steel. I think you capture it well in this piece. Some of us carry the knowledge of that bond out of the war zone and into civilian life. Trying to teach others the need for compassion and love. I enjoyed reading this, I enjoyed the rhyming and the sensitivity. Excellent song as well. :) I too hope one day the world sees past the ignorance of all prejudices and no longer has a need for killing.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This poem was really hard-hitting on an emotional level; it really got through to me and I completely understand your point of view. You did an amazing job of it, as always and I admire your work. Thank you for referring me to this piece.

Posted 12 Years Ago

When the sargant gave him orders to ignore his friends cries..............this man died for his friend on the inside. These survivors are not really survivers. The burden they carry; it just has to be too damn much for some these broken men. Always wondering....why them.......why not me? Very moving, a bravo of a write!

Posted 12 Years Ago

What a great moral!. Live and die for your friend.War is barbarous

Posted 12 Years Ago

Remarkable read. I agree with you about humanity destroying itself it id doesn't stop. Those alone are words of wisdom.

Posted 12 Years Ago

How touching. War is a very haunting subject and I feel the agony within each stanza. Your words amaze me again. Thank you for the share.

Posted 12 Years Ago

good job again

Posted 12 Years Ago

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116 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on September 2, 2011
Last Updated on August 17, 2020
Tags: poetry, Life, Sad, adventure, mystery, pain, poem, romance, story, death, fantasy, fiction, Dark, Gay, Hate, sex, teen, horror, heart, love


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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