

A Chapter by Braget



Four hundred years ago three laws were passed by the High Council in hope for peace, harmony, and safety. Though many believed that those were just a disguise for the real reason the laws were passed. It is said that the High Council passed the laws out of fear. They were afraid of the unknown and its power to overcome. In this world there are three main classes of species. Each class has their own individual council. That council deals with any and all problems that relate to that class, while the High Council could intervene with any and all problems and even go as far as to remove any disobedient class council members. The three classes consisted of the Meevine, the Tizack, and the Sheari.

The Meevine were considered to be “normal” by the High Council. They were referred to as Humans. They came in many shapes and sizes just like any other class did, but what made them different was their status with the High Council. The High Council favorited the Meevine, they thought of them as weak and easy to control and rule over than the other classes. Though this was not considerably true, but that was how it was and since the High Council saw them as such, the other classes began to share their views. As was the way of society. The Meevine themselves had other views. They believed they were strong and brave, kind yet fierce, proud and justice. They thought they were independent and did not need the High Council to survive.

And so the High Council granted their wish and they were set free from all laws but their own. The High Councils protection was stripped from their class and with that came destruction. Without the High Council helping to enforce laws the Meevine Council struggled to keep harmony and peace. The Meevine began to see what was once unknown before. Along with everything else they were greedy and mean, dangerous and blood thirsty, heartless and crude. They soon fell into hysteria and fear ruled their actions. The other classes watching the Meevine loose themselves began to take advantage of the situation. With the High Council’s protection revoke they knew the Meevine were easy targets. Once the other classes stepped in the High Council decided to end the Meevine’s misery. They stepped forth and got the other classes under control and then moved on to confront the Meevine Council telling them to learn from this experience and to never question the High Council again. And so it was, the Meevine were to never question the High Council again.

The second class was the Tizack. They were labeled “supernatural” by the High Council. They consisted of different individual classes, a few by the name of Pixies, Demons, Angels, Mages, and many more. The High Council looked down on the Tizack for they believed them to be dangerous and uncivilized. Though in reality the Tizack were like any other class. They may believe and do things differently, but that is a mere opinion and life style. What does that have a part in the High Council’s views? Everything apparently. For the Tizack Council receives many messages that are to be delivered to the High Council. They consist of request and changes that the Tizack want to be made, from something as simple as Flying Restrictions, to something as terrifying as living experimentation.

The High Council most always denies these barbaric requests, excluding the reasonable ones. Making the status the Tizack have with the High Council a tricky one. The High Council does neither despise the Tizack nor do they particularly like them. Though the High Council does keep the Tizack on a very short leash considering some of their more vulgar natures, they are allowed the same rights the Meevine are. Making the Tizack more valuable than the Sheari.

As for the Sheari, they are the last class. The High Council defined them as “half breeds”. They consist of individual classes just like the Tizack meaning any and all products of a Meevine and Tizack produced from procreating and any and all products produced from two different classes of Tizack procreating were considered Sheari. Also, any and all children that are born and have a Sheari as both or individual parents are label under the Sheari. To break it down, the Sheari were considered to have mixed blood. They were considered filthy and unwanted by the High Council. Their abilities and powers were unknown. Their secrets undiscovered. The High Council deemed the as a threat to all and thus passed the three laws.

The three laws renamed the High Laws, for they were to be above any other law. Anyone who broke any of the High Laws would have supreme judgment placed down unto them by the High Council. The first High Law was that no class was able to procreate within another class. Meaning Meevine could not procreate with any Tizack and Tizacks were only permitted to procreate within their individual class. Thus halting anymore creations of the Sheari. The second High Law was that anyone hiding a newborn Sheari would be severely dealt with. This included knowing the existence of a Sheari newborn and not reporting it to the High Council.

The last thing to do was any and all known Sheari were to be executed. There by cleansing the world of their mixed blood. The High Council even went as far as to name a reward for any Meevine or Tizack that brought forth a Sheari. Families turned against each other, innocents slaughtered, the hunt for the Sheari brought wars between classes. Tizack slaughtering other Tizack, Meevine slaughtering other Meevine, Sheari turning against each other in order to unsuccessfully save themselves, and even parents and family members slaughtering each other, all in hope to capture a Sheari to turn into the High Council. All while the High Council sat back and watched, pleased with the outcome of their bribe. The aftermath brought shame and remorse for the betrayal and loss of loved ones. Nothing compared to the pain of losing a child, half sibling, or lover.

During the “heartbreak” the High Council declared one final High Law. The third of the High Laws, it demanded retribution for any who defied the High Laws. Stating that anyone to give birth to a Sheari would not only receive judgment, but as would all those who shared the same bloodline. If any should defy the High Laws then all of that bloodline would be wiped from this world. Not a single trace left behind. For a bloodline to go against the High Council has no place in this world. And so it was, those who dared to defy them disappeared. 

© 2014 Braget

Author's Note


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Time and effort put forth on this story..Good Job!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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nice, didnt know what i would think a first but its really good so far

Posted 9 Years Ago

awesome piece, this sounds so eerily like the world we live in right

Posted 9 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on July 1, 2014
Last Updated on July 1, 2014



Pelham, AL

Hey guys, Braget here and welcome to my profile. Hmm, how about I tell you guys some stuff about me. I absolutely love pizza. I would eat pizza everyday, if it was considered socially acceptable. I ha.. more..

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