7:First day

7:First day

A Chapter by Babieegirl

I haven't seen anyone in months. I've kept a calendar in my bag ever since I've been locked up.
The first day of the new year at school and i already felt alone in the crowded hallways, not knowing how i was ever going to find my friends.
Luckily, i a guy i met and talked to for only a couple times before approached me and greeted me. HE was definitely the last person i ever thought i would first see. And gratefully, he stood by my side until my first class started.
Not knowing if he saw how scared and how alone i felt, he stayed by me and entertained me. Gracefully. It was a good start of the day, but my shaking-ness wouldn't leave my body.
What if i saw Russell? What if i he bumped into me? What would i do? What would i say? Honestly, i didn't want to see him at all. I was afraid of seeing him. I was afraid of how he would take it? What if we weren't together anymore? I shook it all out of my head and moved on to my next class, leaving the people i was with, behind.
My classes were different, and almost scary, but great none the less.
The first day of school would always be the most boring, and that's how it was.
I had lunch 4th period, where i had found my girl friends by then, and we had lunch together, with much of complaining on how we don't have lunch with the rest of the girls.
5th period i was looking forward to. It was English, My favorite subject, and i was hoping for a favorite class. I needed some place to relax.
I went up to the fron desk to look at the seating chart and with a group of people there it was a bit hard to find my name.
There i sat in the middle, in the front of the class, Literally, Not that i cared where i would sit, but i hated the spotlight in anything, it wasn't my place. My place is behind the scenes. I sat there, waiting for everyone else to find there seats, it wasn't that hard unless you were like the other dumb f***s there.

Then my heart dropped.

There he was standing in the front of the class, with his best friend at his side, staring straight at me.
I couldn't move.
MY eyes widened, my heart pounded faster and faster. What was i to do? I sat there in shock, but i knew i had to get up, and my body moved on it's own. Moved toward the class.
No one else around me knew how horrible i felt at that moment, no one else knew what a big step this was for me,not even him.
My arms moved around his neck and i was hugging him them instantly.

Then i finally had control of my own body and i didn't know what to do anymore. so i quickly unwrapped myself from him and scurried away to my desk and sat there in silence, looking at my desk for the whole class.
I could feel his stare behind me, and i hated him. I wanted to run out of the class and never come back. It was horrible. I felt too stiff and i didn't know where to place my hands and now the hands on the clock were moving even slower.

Finally, it rang, and i didn't know if i was supposed to approach him again, or g and leave like i felt like doing. I left in a hurry, not wanting to look back and searched clearly for my next class, hoping he wouldn't follow me, hoping he didn't have the next class with me.
He didn't..

For weeks, this went on and i couldn't approach him,and it hurt like hell.
Until he gave me a letter.
Asking if we were still going out. He had the same questions as me, and i knew that we had to talk. I had to stop being scared and face him.
Finally, letters being passed by each other instead of actually approaching each other, he met me behind the school and we had a long talk. Talk about if we were going out, if we wanted to. and finally, he asked me to kiss him.
As  shocked as i was, i wasn't the one that kissed him, but him that approached my lips.

And then our new journey began as soon as we finished that last one.

© 2011 Babieegirl

Author's Note

because it's too hard for me to finish this.. and i don't hear anyone wanting me to keep going, i'm going to stop it at here. My mind is getting blurry from here after, although i have all the letters to go through nd am able to finish it, i find it putting my tummy in notches. i cannot. Sorry. Hope you liked it so far, if you would like to hear more, than you can review... and then i'll decide.

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I want to hear more!!! This is really good!!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I want to hear more!
And I loved the start! :DDD

Posted 12 Years Ago

:/ Awhhh, damn. Well I suppose you could have added few more chapters. :D the ending of this is too sweet to just stop it dead! :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 20, 2011
Last Updated on July 2, 2011




My about me is under construction. Please feel free to read my writings over here more..

1. 1.

A Chapter by Babieegirl