Valentine's Day how did it start!

Valentine's Day how did it start!

A Story by bar312

In early Rome, the 14th of February was a holiday that was devoted for the praising of the Goddess Juno. Juno was the queen of the Roman gods and goddesses. She had also been the goddess of females in

Valentine's Day how did it start!

Thinking about Valentine's Day, you think about young children presenting valentines to their classmates or men and women giving valentines and presents to their devotees.

The roots of Valentine's Day are certainly not 100 percent certain. Some authorities feel that it started from St. Valentine, a Roman resident who was martyred because he refused to give up his Christianity. He passed away on February 14 in 269 AD. The tale also states that that he left a good-bye note for his close friend, the jailer's daughter. It is stated that he signed it "from your Valentine."

In early Rome, the 14th of February was a holiday that was devoted for the praising of the Goddess Juno. Juno was the queen of the Roman gods and goddesses. She had also been the goddess of females in matrimony.

The pastors of the very early Christian church in Rome desired to do away with the pagan aspect that was found in the feasts by changing the Saints for some of these ancient festivities. As a result, St. Valentine became affiliated with this unique festival.

There are many customs that are affiliated with Valentine's Day.In the dark ages, young people would pull names from a dish to see who their valentines would be. They'd take these names and put them on them on their sleeves for one week. This is exactly where we get the phrase about wearing one's heart on one's sleeve.

In some places, a youngster may offer a present of clothing to a young lady. If she retains the gift, then it signifies that she will marry him.

One ancient custom expressed that if a woman saw a robin flying over head on the Valentine's Day, it meant that she was going to marry a sailor. If she saw sparrow flying, she would marry a poor man but she would be very happy. If she saw a goldfinch, it meant that she would marry a rich man.

Also believed was if you would slice an apple in half and count how many seeds were within, that will convey to you how many kids you are going to have.

© 2012 bar312

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Added on February 8, 2012
Last Updated on March 11, 2012
Tags: Valentines day gifts, tradition, relationships



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