Ebb and Flow of Being

Ebb and Flow of Being

A Poem by Beau Maysey

Bit of a philosophical, deep-reaching piece, which hopefully doesn't sound pretentious or anything of the sort...

Tiny daisy whirligigs,
Perched between the shadows, still;
Silly flowers do not know-
In darkness only absence grows.

Crickets sing their serenades,
In the depths of hidden glades,
Synchronizing passion calls-
Sweet relentless rise and fall.

© 2015 Beau Maysey

My Review

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Beautifully written! Simply stunning, short and captivating rhyming perfectly, I especially love -

"Crickets sing their serenades,
In the depths of hidden glades, "

Congratulations a wonderful work of art keep writing!

Posted 9 Years Ago

I actually didn't got the real meaning hidden inside it but still certainly I loved the way it flowed with depth

Posted 9 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 12, 2015
Last Updated on January 13, 2015


Beau Maysey
Beau Maysey

St. Pete, FL

Hey, I'm Beau, and these little autobiography section always irked me yet I understand their function and significance. I live in St. Pete, go to college at Eckerd College, study creative writing as a.. more..
