This Type of Love

This Type of Love

A Poem by Beta4163

A sonnet about old love.


I have forgotten the day I met you.

Even so, I’ll cherish you nonetheless.

Our first soft kiss, I’ve forgotten that too,

Yet you near, and my heartbeat is a mess.

We no longer celebrate Valentine’s

But that fact does not reduce me to tears.

I write no more flowery words, that’s fine,

For you know disloyalties aren’t your fears.

I no longer ache for your company

But I loathe the long days we spent apart.

We don’t sing songs of our love, well not many,

For we have turned our love into an art

We are youthful lovers no more, you see,

Enough’s when I love you and you love me

© 2018 Beta4163

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Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on February 27, 2018
Last Updated on February 27, 2018
Tags: Romance, Poetry