To Life Again?

To Life Again?

A Poem by Bhavya Kaushik

A Chōka, with the syllabus count of 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7-7.


With each drop of rain

That falls on my arid skin.

My body shivers,

More than ever in this cold.

I feel numb and stun,

Empty like a haunted crypt.

Without sensation,

I beg for an easy death

To rest in peace forever.

© 2013 Bhavya Kaushik

Author's Note

Bhavya Kaushik
Chōka consists of 5-7 sound units phrases repeated at least twice, and concludes with a 5-7-7 ending. This writing has a syllabus count of 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7-7 :)

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Empty like a haunted crypt.
Without sensation,
I beg for an easy death
To rest in peace forever.

Love this part, this is so well written and presented.

Posted 3 Years Ago

A very poetic and rhymatic piece, nicely written and emotional

Posted 5 Years Ago

This is when I call when ''the soul dies'' we may be walking with our body but we are dead inside. we can not wait for the body death that it's seems coming too slowly ... very deep and beautiful written.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Too intense I liked it. A strong words of feeling. Truly aspiring.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Death... perhaps the ultimate destination of human ...
too deep... too intense...
i like the way of representation..
This style sounds good and captivating ...
Sir, I'll definitely be glad if you check out for my writings and provide some suggestions.
I want to write novels...
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And we'll be lucky to have your support...
Thanks a lot...

Posted 7 Years Ago

These are not just some lines but there is indeed a deep meaning hidden behind it. .
I especially liked the last line- I beg for an easy death to rest in peace forever...
Keep on writing...

Posted 8 Years Ago

This is a very deep piece, like lucid dreaming i could almost picture the moment.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Great piece of writing friend.. I enjoyed..

Posted 9 Years Ago

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40 Reviews
Added on January 11, 2012
Last Updated on January 2, 2013


Bhavya Kaushik
Bhavya Kaushik


National bestselling author of the novel, The Other Side of the Bed. You can place an order here: (flipkart) or can download it on your kindle from here: .. more..
