Skye Fire's New Life

Skye Fire's New Life

A Story by bigfootprint

Nerves taut, searching, bracing for attack. She looks down. A baby cougar stares back.


A listless Skye Fire, alone at first light,

Sits silently, chilled by the dying night.

A chattering gray squirrel barks alarm

Close by the tepee of possible harm.


She hugs herself, longing for the warm touch

Of her warrior, who stirs her now so much.

As Thunder Hawk's wife, life will be complete.

He had teased her -- newlyweds too must eat.


A smile sweeps her face, recalling the rites --

Her father’s proud words, feasting by torchlight,

She felt the love her people showed her mate,

Too soon he left for food, her heart must wait.


As any bride so soon alone must feel,

Uncertainties might mar her fresh appeal --

Already a child within -- she knows well.

He must bring meat, her mood she must dispel.


Unable to keep still, she steps outside,

From habit sheathing her knife at her side,

To walk awhile -- and to shake off the fears

Of new coming duties. She perks her ears.


Rustling leaves, unseen eyes, eerie silence.

Touching her knife fuels her self-confidence.

Nerves taut, searching, bracing for attack.

She looks down. A baby cougar stares back.


She kneels to inspect the tiny creature.

Instantly she feels its spirit touch her.

A sudden breeze stirs. An owl hoots nearby.

She lifts the kitten, its gaze meets her eye.


An abiding sense of peace fills her heart.

The Great Spirit has given her a start,

A shock, but at the same time a friend --

Her spirit animal, its powers to lend.


As if to prove worth to its new mistress,

The cub tenses and scampers with a hiss.

Just then Thunder Hawk, fresh meat at his side,

Beaming with love, reaches out for his bride.

© 2020 bigfootprint

Author's Note

This is No. 9 in a narrative collection awaiting publication.

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Featured Review

I love this. I love the subject & the treatment, as well as the writing. Frankly I read your pro-Trump rant & almost did not read anything else of yours. But I'm glad I went onward looking for something I could relate to. I am in tune with the native way since I live in the wilderness & nature is my sanctuary. You convey a strong realistic narrative with a ton of vivid details taken from nature (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thanks, Margie. That is part of an unpublished poetry novel. I love to rant. I am a retired copyedi.. read more


A brave soul...showing her husband how clam she is and proud of herself that she made friends with a baby cougar... and found that this animal gave her spirits....the great spirit she has been searching for.... her husband is proud of her. a fine tale.
Best, B.

Posted 2 Years Ago

I love this. I love the subject & the treatment, as well as the writing. Frankly I read your pro-Trump rant & almost did not read anything else of yours. But I'm glad I went onward looking for something I could relate to. I am in tune with the native way since I live in the wilderness & nature is my sanctuary. You convey a strong realistic narrative with a ton of vivid details taken from nature (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thanks, Margie. That is part of an unpublished poetry novel. I love to rant. I am a retired copyedi.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on June 11, 2020
Last Updated on June 11, 2020
Tags: Wilderness, Native American, Culture