

A Poem by Kayla W.

this a poem about three young african american girls who were killed by a white man, who later regrets it.


There were three young girls

They were having fun

Then a man walked up

He was carrying a gun


He aimed at the first

Then pulled the trigger

He shot her and screamed

"You stupid N****!"


The second girl screamed

"Please don't kill me!"

He shot her still

Blood as red as can be


The third did nothing

She was way too proud

He pulled the trigger

The gun shot was loud


The man went home

Thinking he was bad

But now his thoughts are haunting

Now he's kinda sad


He called the police

And turned himself in

Because he realized

What he committed was a SIN

© 2010 Kayla W.

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Added on April 2, 2010
Last Updated on April 2, 2010
Tags: gun, sad, black, white, color, kill, murderer, murder, sin, girl


Kayla W.
Kayla W.

Nashville, TN

HI everyone! My name is kayla. I like to write stories based on homosexuality even though i'm a girl. I don't think it really matters, but it's just a stereotype. My age is a secret because, people ac.. more..

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A Poem by Kayla W.