The opening scene

The opening scene

A Chapter by Xavier Alexander

Two detectives start the book off with the first murder


Vanilla was always an odd word to Joseph. It brought back memories of being at his grandmother’s house. That woman loved vanilla. She would roll over in her grave if she could see the room he was standing in. The smell of vanilla faintly intertwined with the thick metallic aroma of blood. The splatter reached across the bed and all over the walls, and in the middle lay the motionless body of one Katherine Moss. A twenty four year old fashion model. No family in Chicago. Both parents still living in Iowa. The lieutenant would make the call for Joseph, and he was thankful for that.


It was a high rent district just off Columbus circle. The neighbors were atwitter with curious activity as they were not accustomed to blue collars in there building, let alone five officers from the north valley CPD. Joseph surveyed the crime scene as the CSI finished doing their initial examination.


“You guys see that catch by Marshall yesterday?” Dwight said at no one in particular


The CSI agents looked at each other and continued their work disregarding Dwight. Joseph motioned for Dwight to meet him in the hallway.


“Dwight I know this is uncomfortable for you, but I told you it was going to be messy. You’re the one who wanted to come along.” Joseph pulled a pack of cigarettes from his inner coat pocket and offered one to Dwight.


“I thought we couldn’t smoke in here” replied Dwight pointing to the no smoking sign halfway down the hall at eye level.


“What are they going to do call the police?” Joseph chuckled to himself


“Look Joe I am not put off by all the blood, but everybody just sitting there staring at a dead body doesn’t’ seem right.” Dwight shrugged


“Kid you’re gonna learn that there is only one way to act around a dead body and that is to just be yourself. They’re dead. They don’t care how comfortable or uncomfortable everyone is because they’re dead. So let’s go back in there. Just relax keep quiet and we can talk after Sanchez and his team are done with the body……okay” Joseph snuffed out the cigarette and put it in his coat pocket.


They stepped back inside the room and crossed to the edge out of the way of the CSI team. Sanchez pointed at the body “She’s all yours Joseph, don’t let the kid feel her up while you’re not looking”


“Screw you Sanchez” Dwight sneered at the CSI captain.


“Looks like you got a real keeper there Joseph” Sanchez called over his shoulder as he led his team away.


“God I hate that guy, why is he always busting my chops?” Dwight sighed


“Part of the job kid. You’re new on the block and they have to see if they can get you’re goat.” Joseph smiled as he recalled his first few months on the job. McCloud was his first assigned partner and had no love for newbies. That first year was hell, but he got over it and he knew the kid would too.


Something caught the corner of Joseph’s eye. The body looked different. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something had changed. He knew sanchez and his team wouldn’t touch the body, and no one had laid a finger on her since they had gotten there a half hour earlier, but something was different. Joseph though to ask Dwight if he noticed anything, pass it off as a new detective test, but then it him what it was. The body was not the same color. It was gaining color. Dead bodies typically get greyer and more translucent the further away they were from death, but this body was gaining color.


Then it happened. Katherine Moss sat bolt upright in the bed where she had been declared dead by medical examiners; looked directly at Joseph and Dwight and started screaming.

© 2012 Xavier Alexander

Author's Note

Xavier Alexander
ignore grammar. Just wondering if you are intrigued

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I love it. Murder mystery with a twist. Can't wait to read more

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 8, 2012
Last Updated on November 8, 2012
Tags: murder, mystery, dead, crime


Xavier Alexander
Xavier Alexander

longmont, CO

fun loving father of three. Looking to meet people who share in the love of writing. Hope to learn a few things and share in some great writing. more..
