

A Chapter by Moth Phoenix

    My eyes stung the moment I opened them the next morning, I guess that’s what you get when you cry yourself to sleep over nothing. I looked out my window and saw snow falling. I hoped that perhaps it had been falling all night and there’d be a snow day, but when I fully looked there was only a light dusting covering our culdesac. I also happened to notice that Conner had left his bike out in the driveway, I knew I’d be my job to tell dad  not run it over.   
   As I became more awake I heard voices coming from downstairs and knew that for sure my dad and Cynthia were awake. I looked at myself and then decided to grab some sweat pants and a sweater before I went downstairs. Parents are very annoying when it comes to clothes during your teen years, it’s a real drag. Well at least my dad and Cynthia are a drag. When I walked out of my room I saw a whole crowd of boys standing by the bathroom waiting on little Megan to be done. Of course, boys didn’t understand that girls took time in the bathroom, but I couldn’t imagine what little Megan was doing.
    “Missy! Can you please ask Megan to hurry up?” Lars asked. It annoyed me how he liked to refer to me as, ‘Missy’ I wasn’t sure where he got that name, but I kept my mouth shut.
    “Are you guys tormenting a little six year old?” I asked looking at them. I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked over to the bathroom door and knocked gently.
    “Hey Megs! The boys need to use the bathroom what’s going on in there?” I asked.
    “I’m  brushing my hair!” She said softly. I looked back at the boys and put my head down and then looked back at the door.
    “Come on sweetie, they need to use the bathroom. Come on, I’ll brush your hair downstairs.” I felt someone touch the back of my neck and I turned around quickly.
    “What happened to your neck Logan? It looks like you hit yourself or something? What gives?” Carter asked trying to poke my neck again. I put my hood on and glared at him.
    “It’s nothing! I just hurt myself while me and Kyle were having fun. I’m okay I promise.” I looked back at the door and Megan had opened it. She stood there smiling at us. “Come on silly girl let’s leave these boys be.” I picked her up and we walked downstairs into the living room.
    “Good morning!” Dad said as we sat down.
    “Hi daddy! How was your sleep last night?” I asked. Megan handed me the brush and she hopped on my lap and I began to brush her curly blonde hair.
    “Great! Baby, you should let Cynthia give you a back massage sometime. She’s working on becoming a masseuse at Jenny’s Spa. She’s really good!” I looked over at the blonde bombshell in the kitchen and rolled my eyes.
    “Maybe, I don’t exactly like getting massages a lot though, but I’ll consider it.” I said concentrating on Megan’s hair.
    “What? Baby you love massages! What gives? Why don’t you want one now? How about I give you one, just for fun seeing as you’ve been a bit stressed lately.” I looked over at dad and then back at Megan.
    “I still like them, but I guess I just don’t feel up to it right now. Kyle gives me a ton of back rubs.” I said smiling.
    “Speaking of Kyle, he called the house last night looking for you. Where were you?” Cynthia said walking over bringing Megan some breakfast along some for me.
    “Olivia needed some help with her English essay. I told daddy I was going out, but I did call him back later that night.” I said.
    “What did he want?”
    “He asked if I could stay after school today, and can I dad? I’ll be home by 6 at the latest I promise.” Dad looked at Cynthia and then back at me.
    “Alright, but don’t forget that you have to babysit tonight so no later than 6.” Dad said standing up and fixing his shirt. I nodded and smiled. A parade of boys came down the stairs all dressed in their school attire and sat down at the table.
    “Logan!” Lars called.
    “Your man called your phone three times just a few minutes ago. I’d answer it if I were you. It must be very important.” He teased me and chuckled. I looked at Megan and she smiled.
    “Thank you Logan!” She hopped off and I stood up and walked over to the stairs. I ran up the stairs and saw that he was calling me again.
    “Hello?” I answered.
    “Baby, where have you been? I was worried that you were maybe sick or something.” Kyle said.
    “I’m sorry, I had to brush my half sisters hair, but I can talk for a bit. I have to get ready for school though, but I’ll talk.” I said. I went looking through my drawers for clothes to wear today and I found some black skinny jeans, a Jimi Hendrix sweater, a white tank top and a pair of converse sneakers.
    “So did your dad say yes for staying after school?” he asked.
    “Yeah, but I have to be home by 6 because I have to babysit Megan, Justin and Conner.” I said looking at myself in the mirror.
    “What? Are you kidding me? Your father pushes you around way too much! Gosh why can’t you say no?” he seemed annoyed.
    “Kyle, I’m sorry, but I have to babysit. I can hang out with you for four hours. It’s not like only two hours like last week.” I said.
    “Fine. I mean I can’t help it if I want to spend so much time with you. I love when you’re with me. Okay, well I’ll see you at school sexy, I love you.” He said.
    “I love you too, see you in a bit.” I hung up and then began to change into my clothes. I always feel bad that I can’t spend more time with Kyle. It feels like I really never do, but then again we are always together for hours.
    “Logan! Lars! Abbey! Axel! Come on!” Cynthia called. “Time for school!” I grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs.
    “Shot gun!” I called running out to the car and hopping in.
    “What? That’s not fair! Get out of the front seat Logan!” Lars whined. I looked at him and stuck my tongue out at him.
    “You snooze, you lose!” I said and they hopped in the back. Cynthia got in the drivers seat and once everyone was in the car and had their seat belts on we drove off.
    “Hey Logan?” Cynthia said. I looked at her and she quickly glance at me and spoke again. “I thought you loved getting massages. One of the reasons I became one was because you sometimes had me give on you after track practice. Is something up?” she asked. I looked at her and put my hood up.
    “Nothing is wrong. I just don’t feel like getting a massage by you or my dad. Kyle loves to give me back rubs and I prefer he does it. It’s nothing against you or my dad, I just like Kyle’s better.” She nodded and I looked out the window and at my cell phone. It was a picture of me and Kyle and he was kissing my cheek. I smiled at it and then looked ahead.
    “I’ll see you guys later okay? Who am I picking up?” Cynthia asked.
    “Me, Abbey, Axel, and Lars. Logan is going to go be with her boyfriend.” Carter said. I hopped out of the car and said goodbye to Cynthia and followed the boys. Lars stayed behind and walked with me.
    “You okay? Lately you’ve seemed to be out of place. You positive that things are okay?” he asked looking at me. I nodded and walked ahead of him. “Hey Logan come on!” he shouted. I stopped and turned around. He embraced me in a hug and I hugged him back. Despite his annoying and jerky way of life, he’s a good brother.
    “I’m fine, really I am. I’m sorry, I guess it’s nothing.” He looked in my eyes and smiled.
    “You always share things with me. You need to tell me if anything goes wrong, okay?” I nodded and gave him a hug.
    “Thanks Lars.” He hugged me and smiled.
    “No problem little sis!” I rolled my eyes and chuckled. He walked ahead of me and I stayed behind waiting a bit for Kyle. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around.
    “Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Logan, what’s up kid?” I turned around and saw Dex walking over in his tight skinny jeans, white sweater and neon pink beanie.
    “Hey Dexy! What’s up?” I asked rubbing my arms from the cold.
    “Eh nothing. What are you doing out here? It’s freezing! Why don’t you come with me inside?”  
    “I’m waiting for Kyle silly.”
    “Yeah, but it’s cold out here. Grady’s waiting for you inside.” I turned to him and my jaw dropped. “What you didn’t know that today was the day he was coming back? “
    “Oh my gosh I totally forgot! Really?” he nodded and put his arm around me. “I feel like such a bad friend! Oh my gosh!” Dex picked me up and brought me into the warm school and into the first floor windowsill. Before we turned the corner I stopped him and took a tiny peak.
    “What’s wrong?” he asked. “You’re acting all shy and what no-, Logan? Do you?” I put my hand over his mouth and felt my face get hot.
    “Shush! Don’t say anything!” I said laughing a little bit and practically pushing myself against him to make him not say a word. “Please don’t say anything, please!” I begged.
    “Who do you think I’d tell?” he asked.
    “Uh, everybody! You always like to share things, but please don’t tell anyone especially Kyle. I know he’d get all blah and I’d have to deal with it. I am begging you Dex please don’t tell anyone, okay?” I said.
    “Okay, but you have to do one thing for me.”
    “What’s that?” all of a sudden he pushed me forward and right into Grady and I felt my face get all hot. I knew he was going to do something like that, that’s the last time I do something for him. I had to get over my blushy face because Grady was like my second twin brother, whom I was actually madly in love with and had been since 5th grade.
    “Logan!!” he said embracing me in a rather huge and big hug. I hugged him back and closed my eyes. He felt the exact same as he did five years ago.
    “Grady! Oh my gosh! I missed you so much! I’m so happy you’re back!” I said hugging him tighter and smiling.
    “We were going to have him surprise you, but I can tell that someone kinda squealed to you that he was here.” Olivia said making a face at Dex.
    “This is so much better Olivia! I have missed my Logan!” he smiled and I almost melted right there. I sat next Olivia and put my head on her shoulder.
    “Oh my gosh! Grady I am so happy you’re back!” his dirty blonde hair looked even blonder, and his eyes looked like green gems.
    “I was telling Olivia how happy I am to be back here in Avon. Iowa just wasn’t fun and I’m happy my parents decided to move back.
    “We are all happy to have you back!” Dex said. I looked to my left and saw Kyle and his friends walking closer.
    “Hey baby, who’s this?” he asked putting an arm around me and pulling me closer to him.
    “Kyle, this is my friend Grady! He moved away in sixth grade and now he’s back!” Kyle looked at him and nodded.
    “Sup?” Grady smiled and nodded. “Baby, why don’t you walk me to my class? I’d like that.” I looked at my friends and smiled.
    “Okay, I’ll see you-” Before I could fully say goodbye to my friends Kyle and his friends pushed me away from them. “Hey, that wasn’t nice, I wanted to say goodbye to them.”
    “Yeah, well you can talk to them later. Since I won’t be getting to spend so much time with you I figure I’ll steal there time.” He said pulling me closer to him as we walked up the stairs. I held onto him and thought about that. I had wanted to give Grady a big hug, but I guess I’d have to wait until later. “Hey guys go I need some time with my woman for a little bit.” I chuckled and looked at his friends. They obliged to his commands and I was left alone with Kyle. He picked me up and we walked to his class which was History.
    “My sister said she’d come and get us after school and then she’ll bring you home. I think we need some more alone time.” It was a bit awkward we were in the stairwell alone. He slowly slipped a hand up my sweater and up my tank top.
    “Ky-Kyle, come on baby we’re in school, can’t you wait till after school?” I asked feeling his lips connect with my neck and begin to suck.
    “Mmm but I want you now Logan, I want to feel your body against mine, feeling you breathe heavy on me.” I didn’t want to do this right now so I tried to push him away.
    “Kyle, please stop. I don’t want to do this right now.” He moved his lips up to mine and I tried even harder to push him away, but he harshly shoved me against the wall and grabbed on my arms. “Ow! Kyle, that hurt!” I said.
    “I wanted to kiss you, why the hell wouldn’t you let me kiss you?” he had anger in his eyes and voice. “You don’t know how good you haven baby, oh you don’t know. So many f*****g girls would want to be you, in fact, Jessica told me yesterday they wished they were you. You’re such a f*****g idiot.” He ran up the few stairs left and I rubbed both my arms and ran after him.
    “Kyle! Kyle!” I called out softly. He stopped and turned around. “Kyle, baby I’m sorry, it’s not that I don’t wanna kiss you, of course I wanna kiss you, I just didn’t want to kiss you in the stairwell. Wouldn’t you rather have me kiss you in your room under the sheets, possibly without clothing?” he looked at me and then let out a big sigh.
    “I would really like that baby, but I mean look what you do to me, you make me so angry sometimes.” He inhaled and then exhaled. “It’s passed, and I’m sorry I snapped, it will never happen again. I love you baby, come walk me to my class?” I looked at him and nodded. He took my hand and I followed him to his math room.
    By the time fourth period rolled around I was already suffocating in the need and want to fall asleep. I had to walk Kyle to his Physics class which is always fun, no not really, because the pretty popular girls are in his class and try and always break me and him up.
    “I’ll see you later baby,” he said kissing my lips and smiling at me. There was no reason for him to have gotten that upset maybe he’s probably really stressed that he’s been having so many tests. “Sorry, about earlier, you know I love you and I’d never hurt you on purpose.” I nodded and gave him a goodbye hug.
    “I’ll see you after school,” I waved and walked away. I saw that Olivia and Grady were talking at the windowsill. I pounced on Grady and gave him a big hug from behind.
    “Logan!” he said turning around and wrapping me in his arms. I couldn’t help but melt in those lovely arms of his.
    “Hi! I’m sorry I ran off like that earlier, Kyle just needed to talk and stuff, but I am here now and I am happy! I get to be with two of my best friends in the entire world!” I sat next to Olivia on the windowsill and she put her arm around me.
    “Don’t worry about it. Hey, what are you doing this Friday?” Olivia asked.
    “I don’t believe I am doing anything, why?” I asked.
    “Well I was wondering if we could possibly have a party, just us three, like we used to have back when we were little kids?” Grady suggested.
    “That sounds like a great idea! I’ll have to ask my dad because he may need a babysitter, and hopefully he bugs Lars about that.” I chuckled rolling up my sleeves.
    “Do you want to do it at my place, or at Olivia’s? I am guessing that you now have a ton of step siblings along with your own siblings?” Grady said.
    “Don’t even get me started, but yeah I do. I can have you guys over though the only one that will bother us is Lars. Abbey is going out with his boyfriend that night, Axel is practicing with his band at Miko’s house, and my step brothers don’t really annoy me that much. Megan might come in every now and then to see what’s happening, but that’s about it.”
    “That is a great idea! Will Kyle be okay with you hanging out with you friends?” Olivia asked. I nodded and smiled.
    “Of course! I don’t see why not, anyway, I get to go to his house after school, but I think I know what he’s going to want to do, or at least try again.” I said running my hands through my hair. Olivia looked at Grady and then at me.
    “What do you mean?” Grady asked.
    “Kyle almost forced her into having sex with her, but thankfully, her father called and she went home. Please don’t let him try and do that to you again, please? I don’t want to see my best friend, second sister, get raped.” I nodded and decided I’d put my head in her lap and lay down.
    “I agree with Olivia, don’t let him pressure you into anything. I love- I mean we love you way too much to let anything bad happen to you.” I smiled at both Olivia and Grady.
    “Thanks guys! I love both of you too! I don’t want anything bad to happen to either of you.” I felt Olivia playing with my sweater strings and Grady was just standing there laughing.
    “Hey I’ll be right back! I gotta go to the bathroom!” I sat up and watched Olivia walk away. I turned to Grady and felt my face become hot. He sat where she was and smiled at me.
    “You know, I uhm...I really missed you. Every day I thought about you, I couldn’t get you off my mind. I’m sorry I left, but I’ m back!” he said with a smile. “And I can tell you still want to kill me for leaving.”
    “I don’t want to kill you for leaving silly,” I scooted closer to him and played with my sweater zipper. “I couldn’t ever kill anybody, and you most certainly wouldn’t be the first. I missed you so much.” I gave him a hug and he looked toward me and smiled.
    “Oh my gosh Logan, what happened you shoulder?” he pulled my sweater off a bit and looked. I had completely forgotten I had a tank top on.
    “Oh! I was uhm I was helping Carter move his bed and I must’ve hit myself, but I’m alright I swear.” I said reassuring him and then changing the subject.
    “Are you sure? That looks really painful I don’t want you being hurt from something silly like that.” I chuckled nervously and nodded.
    I sat outside of the school waiting for Kyle at the end of the day. He told me he’d be there, but it seemed to be taking him a bit longer than usual. I saw his friend Jessica walk by and she smiled.
    “Jessi!” I called out. “Do you know where Kyle is?” I asked.
    “He should be around here somewhere, he told me to tell you to just wait out here.” She said. I nodded and decided to sit on the wall. I saw Olivia, Pam, and Gretchen walk by.
    “Hey kid, what’s up?” Pam asked.
    “I’m waiting for Kyle, but he’s never been this late, so I really don’t know what to make of this. Jessi told me to wait here for him.”
    “Why don’t you come with us? We’re going to Pam’s house and of course dishing out the gossip we heard today. Kyle won’t mind, if anything, he probably wants you to spend time with your girlfriends.” Gretch said. I wasn’t entirely sure about that.
    “I mean he got a bit upset because I couldn’t spend like a ton of time with him. Are you sure he won’t get mad?” I asked.
    “Mad? No! We’ll take the blame if he does, don’t worry girl. Come on, we don’t want you in the freezing cold.” I looked at them and smiled.
    “But I should really wait for-” Pam cut me off and I chuckled.
    “Come on Logan! Let’s go!” I rolled my eyes and let the girls haul me off to Pam’s house. I hope that Kyle doesn’t get too upset, but he was taking way too long.
    “Should I call him and let him know where I am?” I asked Gretch.
    “Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Hey, we’re gonna stop for a second, we’ll catch up!” Gretch said to Pam and Olivia. They nodded and I stopped and stood in the cold outdoors of Indiana with Gretchen.
    “Hey baby, it’s me, uhm since you were taking quite a long time I decided to go hang with the girls at Pam’s house. I’ll call you later, I love you.” I hung up and linked arms with Gretch. “Let’s go!” we skipped all the way to Pam’s house.
    A few hours passed and I hadn’t hear back from Kyle, and I was a bit worried about him. It had begun to snow once again and I realized dad needed me home in fifteen minutes.
    “Give us a call when you get home girl!” Olivia said. I smiled and hugged her.
    “Of course I’ll give you a call. I think I will call you anyway because I’m on babysitting duty tonight, fun!” I chuckled and put my jacket on.
    “We’ll see you later Logan!” Gretchen said.
     We love you!” all three of them stated.
    “Aww, I love you guys too.” I smiled and headed towards my house. The street lights hadn’t yet come on and I wanted to get home before they did.
    “Where the hell were you?” I turned around and saw Kyle walking towards me.
    “Kyle, I called you and left a message telling you where I’d be.” I said. He walked closer to me and wrapped his hands around my arms and squeezed down. “Ow! Kyle, you’re hurting me.” I tried to pull away, but he was too strong.
    “Where the hell were you Logan?!” he demanded.
    “I was over at Pam’s house.” I answered.
    “Why didn’t you freaking wait for me? I waited for you for over an hour and you f*****g never showed. What the hell is up with that?”
    “Kyle, I waited an hour for you after school and you never showed up. Where were you?” I asked. He pushed me up against a tree rather harshly.
    “Don’t you talk back to me, I asked you where you were, you don’t ask me where I was because it’s none of your f*****g business.” He shouted into my ear.
    “What do you mean it’s not my business? You’re not making any sense Kyle!” I yelled back at him.
    “Not making any sense? Why the hell didn’t you wait? You’re making so f*****g angry. It’s none of your damn business where the hell I was!” he bellowed.
    “Of course it’s my business you’re my boy-” A fist came at my right eye and punched me. I fell to the ground twisting my wrist and eventually falling on my side. The silence in the air seemed to go on for eons. Then he finally broke that silence.
    “Gosh, see what happens when you get me so angry? Why’d you have to do that?” he helped me up and brushed me off. I couldn’t speak all I did was look at him. “Baby, I’m sorry. That will never happen again. I’m just so upset, angry, sad, and stressed at the moment. I would never hurt you ever, and I promise I won’t do it again.” I looked into his eyes and he pulled me close and hugged me. “Here, I’ll walk you home.” I put my hand to my face and it stung where he had hit me.
    We arrived at my house in silence and he turned me towards him. He kissed where he had hit me and smiled.
    “I love you, I’m so sorry baby. I lost my temper and that will never happen again.” I nodded and looked up at him.
    “I love you too.” I kissed his lips and pulled him closer to me.
    “I’ll call you later baby.” I nodded and turned around and walked in. There was pandaemonium going on in the house when I entered.
    “Logan! I’m so happy you’re back. I gotta run out for a bit with your father, Megan is in her room coloring and the three boys, as you can see are-” she stopped in mid sentence and I began to get worried. “Logan, why is the right side of your face swollen and red?” she asked.
    “Oh silly me I fell while walking home, but thankfully Kyle was there and helped me. I’m alright I swear.” She nodded and then dodged Carter’s plane.
    “Just don’t get hurt by these three they’re a little bit on the hyper side as you can tell.” I chuckled and nodded.
    “I can tell, well you and my dad have a nice time at whatever it is you are doing.” Cynthia nodded and exited and I was left with three little monsters and a princess. I walked into the living room and gave all of them a look. “Either you three calm down or I won’t order pizza for you tonight.” I said.
    “We don’t have to listen to you, you’re just an annoying older half sister!” Conner said sticking out his tongue.
    “Yeah you tell her Conner! She’s just an annoying step sister with big b***s, a weird face, and a sassy attitude.” Carter stated.
    “Why can’t you three just be like your sister? She’s upstairs coloring and you three are making noise constantly and always giving me a-”
    “Whoa....are you okay Logan?” Justin asked. “What happened to your face? Did you get into a fight?”
    “No! I uhm I fell while walking home from Pam’s. Yeah, yeah go ahead and call me stupid and dumb and silly. Say whatever your hearts desire okay?” Carter stood up and walked over to me and looked at my face.
    “Logan, that can’t happen from falling. It looks like someone hit you.” Carter would know what a punch looks like since he’s been in many fights as I’ve heard from daddy and Cynthia.
    “What? No! No one hit me! I fell while walking home. Do you still want that pizza and ice cream?” I asked.
    “Hahaha heck yes!” Justin and Conner said jumping up and down.
    “Then again it looks like none of you need the carbs or the sugar. I’ll be back I gotta go check on Megan.” I said and headed upstairs. I walked in and she was playing with her dolls. “Hey Megs! How’s it going?” I asked.
    “Hi Logan! I’m playing dollies, do you want to play?” she asked.
    “Do you want to play downstairs? Aren’t you all alone up here?” I asked.
    “I am but I don’t want to be with my brothers. They’re all very annoying.” She had a point they were all very annoying.
    “Well, why don’t you come down and I’ll have them settle down. I’m ordering pizza tonight and I’ll pop in a movie for us to watch while we play with your dolls. That sound okay?” I asked looking at her. She nodded and smiled. We stood up and headed downstairs where the other three were.
    “Alright, I really need all four of you to behave. Megan, I know you’re going to because you’re a star. You three on the other hand, what will it take you to settle down?” I asked. The three boys looked at each other and then back at me.
    “You let us play video games all night until mommy and daddy come back home.” Conner stated. I looked at all three boys and then at Megan. “Or you let us watch cartoons until mommy and daddy come back.”
    “Pick which channel of cartoons you would like to watch and all three of you must behave.” I said. They all nodded and I walked into the kitchen and grabbed myself a soda.
    “Logan, you’re phone is ringing.” Justin called. I walked back into the living room and saw Kyle was calling.
    “Hello?” I answered.
    “Hey baby, what’s up?” he asked calmly.
    “I’m watching cartoons with my step brother, half brother, and half sister. It’s pretty fun, what are you up to?” I asked.
    “I’m laying in bed, thinking about you and your beautiful body on top of mine.” My jaw dropped and I had to make sure no one heard that.
    “Kyle, there are kids around me, what if they hear?”
    “Baby, they’re not going to hear, but I need some help with a little problem I have.” Kyle said sensually over the phone.
    “And what is that?” I asked teasing him and twirling a strand of my hair.
    “I think you know exactly what I’m talking about baby girl, are you sure I can’t come over and have some fun with you? Please?” I looked at my siblings and then thought for a moment. “Maybe, you’d want to sneak over to my house? My parent’s are out for the night and I’m all alone in this big empty house.” I wanted to make Kyle happy since I didn’t get to spend time with him this afternoon.
    “Hold on for a second,” I put his call on hold and called Abbey.
    “Hey Logan! What’s up?” he asked.
    “Abbey, can you possibly babysit for me? I didn’t get a chance to hang out with Kyle and I want to make it up to him. Could you and Shame please come back and babysit them? Please, please, I’ll do your laundry and mine.” I pleaded that he would say yes.
    “Of course dolly, we’ll be back in five minutes. Do you need a ride over to his house or is walking alright?” he asked.
    “I’ll walk. I’ll see you in a bit okay?”
    “Toodles girl.” He hung up and I switched back to Kyle.
    “Hi baby, so my brother is coming to babysit, so I’ll be over in a about fifteen minutes, is that alright?” I asked.
    “Yes, that’s quite alright. I’ll see you in a little bit babe. I love you.” He said.
    “I love you too.” We hung up and I turned my attention towards my siblings. “Abbey and his boyfriend are coming over to babysit you, I am going to over to Kyle’s house.” I stated.
    “What? Noooo! Logan no! Don’t go!” Megan cried and said over and over. I picked her up and looked at her.
    “I’ll be home much later silly girl, would you like it if when I came home I give you a big hug and a kiss before bed? Does that sound nice?”
    “Yay!” she said and poked my cheek. I chuckled and set her down. I walked into the kitchen and realized I wasn’t alone. Carter was standing in the doorway.
    “Yes, is there something that you need?” I asked.
    “I know how you got hurt,” He said without any emotion, “you didn’t fall, someone punched you.” I turned around and looked at him.
    “What are you talking about? I fell it was stupid. Why do you doubt this Carter? You’re my step brother, you and Justin don’t give a crap about-” he banged his first on the counter top.
    “Someone punched you! I want to know who and why they punched you!” I have never seen him act like this.
    “I told you I fell Carter, now can we drop it?” Abbey and Roger walked in and gave their usual hellos. “I have to go, I’ll see you later.” I said walking out the door.
    Kyle’s house was small, rectangle, blue, and a one story house. It was really cozy when it snowed and you could just watch all the snow fall. I stepped up on his second step and knocked. He came to the door only in his sweat pants on and a smirk.
    “Hey baby come on in.” I walked in and he pulled me close and kissed me. He had a little nest set up by the fire for us. He picked me up bridal style and he brought me over and laid me down. I looked up at him and pulled him closer and kissed his lips. I felt his hands move to my back and he laid down on top of me. His lips traveled down to my neck and then to my collar bone. “Oh my gosh....I’ve been waiting....for this....all day long.” He said in between kisses. I looked up at him and smiled.
    “I’ve been waiting all day too baby, and,” I slowly took off my shirt and laid back down, “I’ve been so horny all day for you.” I stated smirking a little bit. He pushed me back and kissed my lips tenderly. He ran his fingertips down my stomach and then over my chest and up to my face. His body felt warm to the touch and his touch was soft and gentle. I was beginning to forgive him for what had happened earlier, but I wasn’t entirely sure if I should.
    I had fallen asleep at Kyle’s and woke up at 12:30 to realize I had to get home before my dad killed me, I think I was a little late for that, my a*s was already dead the moment I entered my house. I decided to text Grady, seeing as he had a car, and he could drive me home instead of me walking outside late at night. I slowly got out of Kyle’s bed and put my clothes on.
    “Baby? Where are you going?” Kyle asked turning over on his side.
    “I have to get home. It’s past midnight and my father is going to kill me if I’m not home. I should have been home at 10, not 12:30.” I whispered.
    “Why the hell do you always obey your f*****g dad? He’s just your father, what’s the worst he could do to you?” he asked. “Kick you out of your own house? That’s not a very loving father, he should let his little girl do whatever she wants.”
    “Because I am his only girl, aside from Megan, that seems to be following in his footsteps and I want to stay like that.” I felt my phone vibrate and saw Grady outside Kyle’s house. “I’ll see you at school babe, I love you.” I kissed his lips and headed for the door.
    “You’re walking home, in that?” he asked.
    “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? And no, Grady is outside waiting for me so I gotta-” Before I had time to finish my sentence his hand slapped me across the face and he glared at me with his intense eyes.
    “Grady? That f*****g friend of yours? Why the hell won’t you let me walk you home? What the hell is wrong with me Logan?” He was taking this the wrong way, but how could I make him understand.
    “Baby, it’s almost one in the morning. I want you to have your sleep and besides Grady has a car, he’ll be able to drive me home.” I finished zipping up my pants and slipped my sweater on. I grabbed my cell phone and headed for the door only to be pulled by my hair back and held by it rather tightly. “Ow! Kyle, please stop! You’re hurting me again, ow! Kyle, let go of my hair!” I pleaded.
    “Tell Grady that I am taking you home. Call him and tell him now you f****n’ b***h!” I wasn’t sure what to do so I did nothing. He threw me on the bed and crawled on top of me and held my hands down. “If I let your hand go, you are going to call him and tell him I am walking you home.” I nodded and he let go of my hand. I tried to get away from him by putting my hand over his face, but that didn’t work. He began to punch me and beat me up.
    “Ahhhh! Kyle! Stop it! Let me go!” I cried out. He punched my one more time and I stopped squirming around. He pulled my hair back harshly and glared at me. “Get him on the phone and tell him.” I nodded and grabbed my phone from my pocket. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer.
    “Logan, what’s going on? Where are you?” Grady asked. I was staring into Kyle’s fierce and evil eyes.
    “Grady, go home, Kyle is going to walk me home, I’m sorry for bothering you.” I said trying to hold my tears back.
    “Are you sure? It’s really late I’d feel safer if I drove you home and knew you got home. Why don’t you let me talk to Kyle.” I looked at Kyle and mouthed to him. He grabbed the phone from me.
    “Yeah? Well, she’s staying here the night. We’ll talk to you later Grayson. Bye.” He hung up and threw my phone on the other side of the room. I looked at Kyle and tried to push him off of me, but that didn’t work. He began to punch me and push me. I did however manage to get off the bed, but he grabbed my foot and I fell to the ground. He began kicking me in the stomach hard and one time in the face.
    “Kyle stop it! Get away from me!” I said crying. He picked me up and threw me against the wall. I laid on the ground crying and coughing.
    “I never want you to talk, or even interact with your friend Grady ever again! Do you f****n’ understand me b***h?” he screamed in my ear. I nodded and began crying again. He picked me up and hugged me. He looked at me and touched my cheek. He kissed my forehead and then my lips. “I love you, don’t you ever forget that.” He said shoving me towards his bed. I crawled into his bed and he cuddled next to me. “Goodnight my sweet angel.” I cried myself to sleep that night knowing my eyes would sting in the morning.

© 2010 Moth Phoenix

Author's Note

Moth Phoenix
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wow great stuff. it can get a bit hard to follow at times but no worries :) awesome write!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 24, 2010
Last Updated on December 24, 2010


Moth Phoenix
Moth Phoenix


Hello there stranger! Thanks for checking out my profile. I'm just some girl enjoying life one song at a time. Drop a review if you'd like, or a comment! more..

Phoenix Phoenix

A Poem by Moth Phoenix