One & the Same

One & the Same

A Poem by Blindmikey

Escaped the prisons.

No longer behind windows.

For freedom I am.

For freedom I've always been.
Like a soggy stray cat
taking shelter from the free falling skies.
Cold in corners.
Tight against walls.
Looking for open doors,
boxes or dumpsters.
Glorious shelters of warmth.
Blissful freedom in open plains
is to be scoped an easy target.
For love and fear are truly the same.
Ring freedom, Ring!
Ring your bells of ill tempered misdirection!
Learn the skills of tempters.
Let’s exchange some drugs.
Let’s play some games.
But don’t worry.
Though you might get cut,
I won’t pull the trigger.
Feel the fall and shatter,
as you hit the porcelain floor.
become broken to find what’s inside.
Cleaning the cobwebs from
the room of my infinite mind.
Opening the doors and watching
the skeletons fall limp as they disrupt
the spider’s peaceful monotony.
Free the dust once again
from gravity’s inevitable pull.
World stick with me. Dig into me.
Loose floorboards tell of more.
Hints of a world of shine lay under the muck.
World oh world,
free me from my tarnished age and tend my fire.
Call all ye hands.
Call to push me too and fro.
Hands that polish and hands that maim.
Might I only bite to know

if they're truly One & the Same.


© 2008 Blindmikey

My Review

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A longing poem about, to me, about being with that which has not come to the narrator yet and that is himself - he seems to wander wanting to know more of what is real in 'reality' while delving in the edges of insanity - a great write - thought provoking. Thank you.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Very well written. The flow is very good when reading out loud. Wonderfully penned. Great job.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on March 26, 2008
Last Updated on March 26, 2008



College Place, WA

I am never the same person I was the day before. But in my heart I am the same kid I've always been. Such is my paradox. I strive to become an artisan of life. Though I am bound to fail, I do not de.. more..

detached. detached.

A Story by Blindmikey