Man Is God

Man Is God

A Poem by BLitZeD

the modern day religious resistance
 the downfall of Jerusalem good and evils coalition
the realization that god dosnt exist in this dimension
pointless wars to start the next Prohibition
the pressure builds up like a pond of retention
the result told threw history as demons and angels with pent up aggression
hostility for one, the other divine intervention
weapons of deception, 
another of mans creation
preach pages of a book to hide the deviation
the conscience the counselor in the mediation
meditation, the thoughts that provide the levitation
under god ill lie dead in this nation 
and when that time comes ill know iv done great things, 
beat in my ears stars in my eyes while i lie in my bed waiting

© 2015 BLitZeD

My Review

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Hey BlitZed, such strong words for a sensitive matter, much
respect for anyone who would write in a manner of which
they don't give a Donkeys A*s for what others might think
Of.. I tend to write the same, well expressed words, very cool
Write,, thanks.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

thank u sir, much appreciated
Very interesting and powerful! Good write!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Nice wording!!
Keep on writing!!!

Posted 8 Years Ago

An interesting write buddy... when you can spark thought and spark argument of good and bad, good and evil, religion or no religion you have done something good with your words. Writes shouldn't be about what everyone wants to read... writes should reflect what question you ask yourself as a person... the questions that spark thought and spark emotions. Write the s**t no one else writes is the way I see it. I love the thoughts buddy :) Good work!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

thanks for the encouragement man. thats wut i was goin for, wanted to see how people responded
there is a god,there is man and the Resistance will always be with us
but i can assue you the time is at hand

Posted 8 Years Ago

Seems like edgelording to me. It's not awful, it's just not my thing I guess. Poetry is subjective and that's why I hate reviewing it.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Fair enough sir
My man writing mojo would be so proud.
But "man is God" is just some verbal interconvertibility. Especially in this country where
any withdrawal of such sacraments would get your shirt torn..(I mentioned such an
equation to my mothers Pastor and he never spoke to me again. Then Invited me to the revival.
But I still think it's ok to question all things under the sun. Perhaps that's the definition
of poetry Blitzed, the incessant questioning of all things even when the poem of it holds
no true resolution.

Your poetry is probing, which is good. Since probing is the objective. well done..


Posted 8 Years Ago

Ohh ish, this goes with what I was sayin in gods of man

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

ya, this is my follow up, had too, its been a minute ya know
You and your bro are extremely similar, far as words and how deep you both use them to explain something. To me it's what makes you/him) so much more than your average poet,writer etc. Simplicity is best at some things but with a piece like this to simplify was not an option for such a diverse subject.. I personally am not one strong in this area but I do appreciate good scriptures. nice job, amazing intellect ..

Posted 9 Years Ago

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19 Reviews
Added on June 4, 2015
Last Updated on June 4, 2015



New Jersey Devil, FL

i give them the plans i drew up with thoughts methodically calculated and so intricately placed , every outcome was accounted for and algebraically related. f*****g statistically graced, like .. more..

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