Incense upon the Mind

Incense upon the Mind

A Poem by Your Tasty Field Advisor

 The smoke rises and falls like a rollercoaster across the smooth lake

The smoke swirls in unknown figures and languages
But somewhere, deep inside everyone’s soul we all know what each swirl says
Deep down we know the peace of each swirl of the incense smoke
It whispers in unheard words across the very hand of the medicine man
Close your eyes, he says
Let the sent of the incense expand the mind be hind that door within your mind
Let it break every barrier those around you force upon your mind
Break through that wall you have been forced to know is there
They want you to think the other side brings sadness and death
They say this because they’re afraid to find out that they’re not even welcome there
They know of their narrow mindedness
They know of all their painful words inflicted upon the young
Money feed for that pig they put upon a pedestal as it teaches these hypocrisies
Deathly words within the mind of everyone’s mind
When we could all break apart that grey wall and go to the other side
We can break through if we stay together
Find that pool of love where the smoke dances with infancy and joy within each heart
Let that incense smoke carry you across that brick wall
Away from the pain force upon every heart of gold
Fly away with that smoke as it whispers to you in that unknown language
That language only our soul can understand
That peace through your mind
Only you can find that key to peace within your mind
Through that locked door just waiting to be opened within
On through to the other side to eternity
Find it through this door, says the medicine man
And you will know you have found your love
Your peace you’ve been waiting for all you’re all your painful life
The incense knows.


© 2008 Your Tasty Field Advisor

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Hm....excellent rant. Well done.

Posted 16 Years Ago

profound and very thought provoking. A very strong message in wisely chosen expressions. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 28, 2008


Your Tasty Field Advisor
Your Tasty Field Advisor

dad, if you read this, you should know the facts before you start assuming that all the dark poems are about you. just saying that you arent always my muse to write thoes dark poems about. so, dont .. more..
