Four Hours of Repetition

Four Hours of Repetition

A Poem by Your Tasty Field Advisor

The movie is four hours long

You have seen this before
You know it from start to end
From each word there spoken to the very last syllable muttered
This move is four hours long
Four hours of your life
You know your life
Even more so as you watch it on this white screen
The movie is four hours long
As you sit in this room of darkness
With the darkness without light is death
With the light within the darkness is the breath of life
The movie is four hours long
Can we leave anytime we want?
Not without the payment
Not without an arm nor your leg
Can we forget what we have seen so much?
Should we just go on, now that we’ve seen our life’s plot?
Can us
Should we
I do want to leave; this is such a bummer to see my life displayed so much
Can I end it here?
Should I end it now?
May I
For you are mine.

© 2008 Your Tasty Field Advisor

My Review

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Yes, this is very intense.................and my hope is that you do not feel quite this way today. The repetition was effective.

Posted 16 Years Ago

it's intense..

..i'm not sure what to say to this...
i can nearly every line... one shouldn't have to endure that pain..

Posted 16 Years Ago

And yet her attintion is on the TV and not you. Thats sad, but I like this poem. You discribe how your life is just getting... well bored. Not really rotting, but waisting.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 31, 2008


Your Tasty Field Advisor
Your Tasty Field Advisor

dad, if you read this, you should know the facts before you start assuming that all the dark poems are about you. just saying that you arent always my muse to write thoes dark poems about. so, dont .. more..
