Vampires Online [Preface]

Vampires Online [Preface]

A Chapter by lexiilunatic


Everyone seems to think vampires are a myth...Well wake up people! We are real, and do not be afraid for vampires and humans can get along if you give us a chance.  To tell you the truth we arent your average replica of most vampires you read about in books.  We dont turn into bats, sunlight does not bother us, but if it is bright it weakens us.  Garlic and crosses will not stop us in our tracks, and of course we have the pointy retractable fangs, and feed of the luxurious, red, tempting blood.  But mac n cheese is just as good.  For my family and friends we keep our eating habits right, we hunt animals.  My friends are have special powers, not to sound cheesy, and so do I.  I live in a place where humans know we exist, and simply arent terrified to the point where they will leave from this place.  Pretty shocking, i know.  My friends and I attend Redwood Highschool, and surprisingly we are all in the same grade except one of us who is a senior.  I say surprisingly because I thought one of my dimwitted guy friends would fail, *laughs*.  Vampires try to live as normal as possible but we have to be careful of what we say, how we act, and also to be careful for who our enemies are.  Thankfully I do not have any enemies that our out to get me.  Also I do not have a boyfriend, lover, crush...nothing.  Which is good makes my life less difficult.  But Im getting off topic be going to bed anyway, getting sleepy. Goodnight to whoever is reading this. *turns off computer*

© 2008 lexiilunatic

My Review

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Pretty interesting so far, it makes me wonder what direction it'll go in next. And it's a different take on vampires than the usual.
Off to read the next part now.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 25, 2008



Hello there. My name is lexii. You can call me lexii lunatic. Im 15 years old, and i have many talents. One of them i think is writing. But thats my personal opinion. I am not a normal person i must .. more..
