Poet's Prayer

Poet's Prayer

A Poem by B.E. Gonzales

This prayer is for all poets that they may find inspiration they require.


Touch my mind
Touch my thoughts
Most Holy One,
Inspire me!

Empty dreams
Haunt my nights
And barren thoughts
Torment my days

Inspire me!
Lay the world before me
The greatest mountains
The deepest seas

Push the sky
Against my mind
The moist breeze of spring
The dry wind of summer

Bless me
With inspiration
Lovely thoughts
And great ideas

Most Holy One,
Inspire me!

© 2010 B.E. Gonzales

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wow. this came at a good time for me... I've had severe writers block for a week. This is inspirational... and flows well. nice write :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is wonderful... what a true and far reaching poem for all poets. Great job!

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is a wondrous, lifting prayer! Thank you for sharing the sacred nature of this work... so eternal and yet so personal as well.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like this prayer a lot. I pray myself to open my mind so I can write something that is worthwhile. Poem is very good. Thank you.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on March 2, 2010
Last Updated on March 2, 2010
Tags: God, prayer, faith, poetry, poet


B.E. Gonzales
B.E. Gonzales

Ouezon City , National Capital Region , Philippines

I am 13 years old from the Philippines. I write short stories, essays, plays, and songs. I specialize in poetry, both in English and Tagalog, my native tongue. I usually write about love, life, Death,.. more..


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