O Sacred Banner

O Sacred Banner

A Poem by B.E. Gonzales

This poem is dedicated to my countrymen. This poem expresses patriotism and love for country. "March on! March on!"


Raise the Sacred Banner

And sing of glory

To the enemy, we will never surrender

We will one day claim our victory


Worry not, my brother

March on! March on!


The enemy will tremble

When they hear us marching

Like a pillar of sand, they will crumble

So keep on marching!


Worry not, my brother

March on! March on!


Take thy sword with thee

Carry thy shield

Thy courage and bravery

And fight in the battlefield


Worry not, my brother

March on! March on!


May this battlefield grant me death

For the land of my birth

A death I will not regret

A death of worth


Do not fear, my brother

March on! March on!


O Sacred Banner!

Forget me not!

© 2010 B.E. Gonzales

My Review

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I hear the war drums in the background as i read it....

Posted 14 Years Ago

nicely done...

Posted 14 Years Ago

beautiful i loved it... i agree with SAHAR that it reminds me of my national anthem i loved it good job

Posted 14 Years Ago

patriotic...reminds me of my national anthem...a strong,well built,passionate one..

Posted 14 Years Ago

Dear Writer,

This reminds me of the Revolution movement where some Americans would make flags like, "Don't tread on me." I'd ditch the font style, because it can be difficult to read at times. Just go with a plainer font style. There's definitively good content in here, a good message, good flow. It's very lyrical and I can match this to the rhythm of the beating of a drum while in march. I love the stanza outline.

Again, I'd reword the font and make it easier to read. Other than that, it's ideal. 9.6/10.

A Friend,
S. W. Scaggs

Posted 14 Years Ago

There is such a strength here, a confidence and loyal sense of union. Your words move on with the rhythm of a march, and the lyric of a song. Powerful, vivid write!

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like this. The feel of togetherness and celebrating a just cause. The flag represent your home and your dreams. It is well written and positive. Men fighting for their land and family will die first before allowing a enemy into their country. A excellent poem.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on March 4, 2010
Last Updated on March 4, 2010
Tags: patriotism, nationalism, freedom


B.E. Gonzales
B.E. Gonzales

Ouezon City , National Capital Region , Philippines

I am 13 years old from the Philippines. I write short stories, essays, plays, and songs. I specialize in poetry, both in English and Tagalog, my native tongue. I usually write about love, life, Death,.. more..


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