How Long?

How Long?

A Poem by A.Lee

An epic story. Person A gets mad, Person B apologizes. Person A says okay but still wants to be curt. Person B gets mad at that. Endless cycle.


How long must I wait on bended knee

Before you'll look in my eyes?

How  long will you make me grovel and beg

When I come to apologize?


I told you I was sorry

For the way things went before

You say you want to make things work

But when I come you slam the door


I don’t know what else I’m supposed to say

Or how I’m supposed to be

When you say that you’re not mad anymore

But I can’t tell if you forgive me


You’re pushing me in the corner

Just like you do when you’re hurt

And I guess you think you can not be mad
And still be removed and curt


I understand how you feel right now

And after time I know you’ll come around

But remember the longer you keep me away

The longer it takes to rebound

I'll wait for you like I always do

Trying to be what I should

But keeping a woman waiting too long

Doesn't often turn out good

© 2010 A.Lee

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"And after time know you’ll come around"
The flow here threw me off, I had to read it a couple of times to get the flow back, might I suggest adding a word or punctuation?
"And after time I know you’ll come around"
"And after time, know you’ll come around"

Yes, this is situational, but most people can relate. You're a good writer.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Those last two lines sum the whole piece up wonderfully. An excellent write. Honest and strong. Nice way to put your observations down on "paper."

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is good and I can totally relate to it. I loved it, especially the ending. I think there was one typo though "but remember longer you keep me away" I think you meant "but (the) longer you keep me away." If not I apologize. Nice write, keep it up! :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow. This is a haunting revelation about forgiveness.
You really put my imagination to work here. You have a
talent for making the reader live out your words through
their emotions.

Posted 14 Years Ago

reminds me of every relationship i've had ever

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is so good! and so true! love the flow of your words!

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like how you were able to show how the passive-agressive operates! Great subject to write on!

Posted 14 Years Ago

The way in which this rhymes and scans shows that the words and lines have been chosen with great care and attention. It's an accomplishment.

The poem conveys exactly how the arguments of friends and lovers seem to bite back on themselves. One effrontery triggers another in return. It's a complex problem of human nature which repeatedly rears its ugly head. The infuriating thing is that it most often occurs between two people who care a good deal about what the other thinks and feels. They want to be on the same level, with no advantage to either side, to be equal - but hurt inspires retaliation and often the other hurts back. Then it starts again, and no one gets even. It takes a wise and strong person to make it stop and 'give in'.

This poem gives you a good slice of that action.

Posted 14 Years Ago

nice. had a very conceited feel to it! specially the last line lol! but a nice write and the rhyming was great.

Posted 14 Years Ago

The last line is the real truth. When you set a woman free or leave her alone. Sometime they may be gone if you wait too long. Poem is amazing. Emotion and desire is strong in your words. Ending was outstanding. A lot of wisdom in your words.

Posted 14 Years Ago

it's good. i like it

Posted 14 Years Ago

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30 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on May 2, 2010
Last Updated on May 8, 2010



Monroe, GA

I am lots of things, but here you'd identify most with the writer and avid reader. I have three beautiful children. The oldest boy, Seth, passed last year after fighting a long battle with cancer. .. more..

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