The Begining of the end

The Begining of the end

A Story by CalebSchadeck


               The first thing I remember is the birds, in our city we would always here birds chirping happily on a spring morning, but there was no chirping; I didn’t think much of it, as I finished my oatmeal and grabbed my backpack, kissed my mom goodbye and left for the city tram that would take me  to school.

No one drove the tram it was run off a central computer, the central computer ran our whole city traffic lights, the tram rail, the water supply and the electricity. This computer was owned by the city so basically we owned it trough our tax dollars. The tram let me off about a block from my school as I began my walk I noticed the weather was clam and warm it was a beautiful day, it rained a lot here any sun was like heaven. People were starting to show up at school on the different trams that led to different parts of the city. I saw a teacher pull up and park in one of the three parking spaces that were at the school, it was almost obsolete to drive anywhere these days and besides you had to be pretty well off to drive a car, gas costs the driver twenty dollars a gallon.

                I checked my phone on the front it had news alerts President of the U.S. declares war on Middle East, Asia backs the middle east. I didn’t pay much attention to the article I moved passed the home screen to check my texts, seeing one from my friend on there I tried to respond but my cell phone said it was searching for service. I never had that problem before, not even at the farm we visited in the first grade never in my life had I ever had less than five bars. I made my way inside the school, someone had put on a giant TV screen; it was someone making a speech.

‘As of now our nation is in a state of emergency, nearly all the political leaders are dead including the president, the vice president and the sec�"‘

But he was cut off and the screen want fuzzy then a blue screen appeared with red text running across it

‘Our nation is under a nuclear attack, if you are seeing this then you are one of the few who was a generator to power this TV, we as of this time do not know who fired the missals we only know that New York, Washington DC, San Diego, and Chicago are devastated each by at least three nuclear missiles  to different spots in the cities and the suburbs of the cities, at this time we do not know about the city of Newmarica.’

The text started over again I heard screams of people in the background someone was talking

“What do they mean they don’t know about us? Like we don’t exist?”

The principle of the school stood up in front if the murmuring crown of teenagers,  

                “I have just received word from the mayor that the tram is working and to go back to our houses, you parents are being ordered to do the same you will be safest there.”

                I was stunned everyone is dead I thought, my aunt, my grandma, they all live in Chicago, staring off into space I was too overwhelmed to think straight to be sad. I followed the mass crowed of people to the trams.


                Arriving at home my entire family was already there my mom ran up to me and hugged me through her tears then escorted me inside, we had an electric fan running and nothing else, it felt hot. 

                “Why not turn on the air?” I asked

                My Dad just shook his head “the city has turned off all the water and is pumping it into emergency tanks in case the city runs out” I nodded my head in understanding that our swap cooler would just blow in hot air without the water to cool it down.  

                I looked at the TV screen ran off our emergency generator, the same text was running through the middle of it that I had seen at the school. Then it changed

‘Take caution, possible missile strike in 60 minutes’

My mom screamed and the TV then ran over to my baby brother and scoped him up in her arms. I looked out the living room widow where we clearly had a view of the city, from the air port I saw a single jet take off, it was the mayor’s jet, he had abandoned us, we had nowhere to run or nowhere to hide and in sixty, no now fifty seven minutes we would all die.


                My name is David Bell, and this is my story of growing up during the end of the world….

© 2011 CalebSchadeck

Author's Note

Ya, I know its been done a million times before I just thought i would have a try at and end of the wourld story
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i agree with Lily Mae, you have done a wonderful job. the anguish and despair is very vivid in your words, and i absolutely love the last line, it leaves the reader wanting more! but it does need to be edited a bit with spelling and grammer, but overall, can't wait to read more! :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


i agree with Lily Mae, you have done a wonderful job. the anguish and despair is very vivid in your words, and i absolutely love the last line, it leaves the reader wanting more! but it does need to be edited a bit with spelling and grammer, but overall, can't wait to read more! :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I think you did a great job with the subject. I felt anxious and felt your words to the core.. I think you could have even done it more justice by diving in deeper..or maybe thats what your going to do... either way you penned the feelings

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on March 21, 2011
Last Updated on March 21, 2011



Carson City , NV

I have loved writing all my life... not much else to say, just want to share my work. I am also a major Whovian ever since about three monts ago, I love that show! more..

Hint Hint

A Story by CalebSchadeck