Not My Conundrum

Not My Conundrum

A Poem by Chris Shaw

(Thomas Hardy - Far From The Madding Crowd)

Somehow that expression
two wrongs don't make a right
has stuck
Like being in a rut
a stylus not moving
from the same vinyl groove
When Gabriel Oak
was roused by ringing sheep bells
he set off in pursuit

To find that his younger dog
had driven his flock 
over a Dorset cliff edge
Their carcasses lay
strewn below, two hundred ewes
heavy with prospective lambs
Dead or dying
left to the cleansing mercy
of the incoming tide
I don't know why
I sobbed in silence for the sheep
at sixteen in my cinema seat
But I cried out loud
when that young collie who lacked
comprehension was shot to death
That was my first understanding
of two wrongs don't make a right
still rigid in my much older head
And I tell myself
there is no way I can condone
the taking of life as retribution

© 2018 Chris Shaw

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I must say you were quite mature at that age to make that analogy……which in my opinion the right way to note about it…retribution is not the way to solve problems….an aye for an eye may have been the way in ancient times, but not in today’s reality…. A very astute poem with a deep understanding of right and wrong…..

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

1 Year Ago

Many thanks Betty. That film became a turning point for me. Retribution by taking the life of anothe.. read more
Betty Hermelee

1 Year Ago

You’re so very welcome Chris, hope you had a lovely weekend!
Best, B


this definitely gets its point across...reminds me of "A Hanging" by George short story i teach in my comp. class.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

I'll have to check that short story out Jacob as I am not familiar with it. Thank you so much for yo.. read more
The motto of the 24th Marine regiment is "Si vis pacem, para bellum" or..If you seek peace, prepare for war. And we must always seek peace first but likewise we must always be prepared to defend that peace against those who would take it from us. Tyrants must be removed from power and the living must answer for the dead. Peace and freedom are wonderful luxuries to have. But they are always bought with blood.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

Thank you Fabian. When it comes to protecting the country we reside in, I agree with you. I am not a.. read more
We all learn this lesson in different ways Chris. Seeing the bullied become the bully, or the trolled become a troll, it just adds to the victims if the cycle is continued. Two wrongs just make more hurt to go round.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

That's exactly what I mean here Lorry. Two wrongs just make more hurt. Thank you for your response.<.. read more
WOW! WOW! And WOW! Your writing is great, but your message itself reveals your heart & mind in such a palpable way, I swear it's very brave to be so honest & transparent in your writing! This is startling in clarity & rarity . . . you are a rare bird, my friend. I love the way your mind works! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

Thanks Margie, sort of exposed my true self here haven't I? Well, it is a controversial subject and .. read more

5 Years Ago

I really love this poem!
Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

Thank you Margie, that means a lot.

Amazing analogy. KUDOS to you for reaching such a conclusion at a tender age. I feel like I had a much more rigid, unforgiving view when I was young. Its easy to feel empathy for people who are wronged when one is young, but much harder to feel empathy for wrong doers. Over time, my views have softened considerably, and I don't think an eye for an eye, with a few notable exceptions , is a good idea -- not sure I can feel too much sympathy for the extreme psychopaths, dictators, and despots of the world, but generally, all life is sacred. A really thoughtful write.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

Thanks Lyn. I'm not a pacifist, so do believe in protecting the land we live in, just anti capital p.. read more
Hmm. It reminds me of the controversial capital punishment laws as just one example. This poem brought it to the forefront for me. Good poem!

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

Thank you Mari. That was my intention. I was hoping that's where the reader would travel.

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16 Reviews
Added on July 31, 2018
Last Updated on July 31, 2018


Chris Shaw
Chris Shaw

Berkshire, United Kingdom

Albert, my paternal grandfather introduced me to Tennyson when I was nine. I have loved poetry ever since but did not attempt writing a single piece until I was 40. It's never too late to try somethin.. more..


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