Moving like waves...

Moving like waves...

A Poem by An owl on the moon

I wanted to write an abstract painting to honor the memory of my mother...












The sun in her yellow dress

Dances on cream and strawberry swirls

And the earth spins as I sit still

It’s covered in laced pine-needle frills


The tears of the ocean flow

Flooding the sandy shore of beads

Turning cheeks to pomegranate stripes

In the air the shriek of a bird bleeds


Your eyes were the color of the world

As mourners gather in the rain

Leopard striped grass paints the stone

Moving like waves and releasing my pain...


© 2010 An owl on the moon

Author's Note

An owl on the moon
A simple dedication to the memory of my mother who loved me when I was unlovable... Sometimes I still am... :)

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Lovely indeed though tumultuous, this is what it invoked in my minds eye.

First the plain print...
A constant setting sun, on a world that spins and we wonder why we feel so horrid at times, should we be dizzy? And there seems to be so many frills yet most of them are sharp (during some moments at least) . And we fill an ocean within ourselves with in our own sandy beaches (our skin)
Until we are full and we over flow eyes and cheeks stripped and striped and shrieks formally held in our heads escape our throats. And we see colour in others eyes yet to ones own we seem colour blind, and ones own can seem somewhat dead, behind invisible bars waving frantically for someone to get you out.

Then the Papyrus font...
Something in her yellow dress is the where I want to be, in that radiance, that colour means something I want consuming my innermost places. A freedom and lack of self consciousness like the lady who is wrapped in that yellow warmth, I admire the intricacies and the strength in such delicateness. Full as an ocean of ideas floating in the air, the air offering up the world even in the rain never changing, a rock in the tide of life anchoring one from the drifting of pain.

It was a dedication to your mother I did read.. And a lovely one at that.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I think your mother would proud to know that she made you feel so special and this is truly powerful work of the best kind.....the kind that comes from personal experience and the memories of what she did for you will never fade as long as you are able to paint such a vivid picture

Posted 16 Years Ago


first of all, it's hard to believe a time when you were EVER unlovable! :P

secondly, i think this is the best piece of yours I have read thus far!! just gorgeous.
fantastic imagery.

sun in a yellow dress, lace pine-needs, pomegranate.... jeeze, darlin' this is just fantastic work :)

really impressed.


Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

In the air the shriek of a bird bleeds

That line stopped me dead in my tracks. The whole poem is lovely but that one line made me go 'ooh'
Great piece. It's vivid and vibrant, I can taste it, smell and feel it. Wonderful.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Mothers have a way of doing that.

This piece is amazing. You really captured the feel of an abstract painting flawlessly. There are so many layers and so many deep, vibrant colors. This is true talent ... to paint with words.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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54 Reviews
Shelved in 7 Libraries
Added on April 20, 2008
Last Updated on May 9, 2010


An owl on the moon
An owl on the moon

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