Sometimes voices lie...

Sometimes voices lie...

A Poem by An owl on the moon

The true story of my life...




In younger days when life was a ride

Some people spoke with hateful pride

“You’re useless…stupid…ugly, yes.”

And their words were music my soul possessed

Then haunting one day I found them true

I believed the voices and what I must do

They were constant now inside my head

The voices wanted me for the dead

I couldn’t stop them anymore

To shut off the noise and close this door

But then a song rose in that night

It was subtle like golden candlelight

My life was not a waste at all

I was not stupid, ugly, small

I realized something on that day

Life was waiting to have its way

So happy now I didn’t die

I learned that sometimes voices lie...


© 2009 An owl on the moon

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I really like the flow of this and the font makes it more intense. And intense it was. I very much enjoyed this piece for many reasons.

The first would be the flow and how easy it was to read. Not just skim through it and see the words, but to actually understand and hear them spoken inside my mind as I went.

The second was because of what it presents to me. That every person should live their own life and by their own standards. Treat people the way you would like to be treated, and never let anyone bring you down for being yourself. There are so many people who are unsure of themselves and to make up for that, they bully whoever it is that they can and if you let them, then they win. Always be yourself, no matter what people think about it.

And three because I can definatly relate to this. I'm not to pretty of a girl and I don't have incredible talents but I have learned that this is who I am and who I must be. This poem rings that true through my ears and I really hope it inspires everyone and anyone to open their eyes and realize that this is the only life you get, so live it well and be who you want.

thank you for sharing,

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I really like the flow of this and the font makes it more intense. And intense it was. I very much enjoyed this piece for many reasons.

The first would be the flow and how easy it was to read. Not just skim through it and see the words, but to actually understand and hear them spoken inside my mind as I went.

The second was because of what it presents to me. That every person should live their own life and by their own standards. Treat people the way you would like to be treated, and never let anyone bring you down for being yourself. There are so many people who are unsure of themselves and to make up for that, they bully whoever it is that they can and if you let them, then they win. Always be yourself, no matter what people think about it.

And three because I can definatly relate to this. I'm not to pretty of a girl and I don't have incredible talents but I have learned that this is who I am and who I must be. This poem rings that true through my ears and I really hope it inspires everyone and anyone to open their eyes and realize that this is the only life you get, so live it well and be who you want.

thank you for sharing,

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Oh my Craig, you've struck a chord here!
It is so true that we believe the lies others tell us about ourselves, thus often becoming that person. Why? Because it's who we believe ourselves to be. BUT IT'S A LIE. We all hold the power within to be who and what we want at any point and time. Even better, once we start believing in ourselves - so does everyone else! Energy .... positive vs. negative. I could carry on about this for paragraphs! lol But I'll spare you and the cafe.... ;)

This is so wonderful! Going straight to my favs.. ! Thank you!

Posted 15 Years Ago

This was a well worded piece. With all the perfect attributes to bring the reader to walk inside your shoes and feel what you felt. I believe this is a common experience through the growing phase of young adults. I wish it were not, but it's hard to change the old dogs of society.

The way you have depicted this, reminds me of the rebirth of the pheonix or a butterfly coming free of it's metamorphasis within it's caccoon. We in the end find the wisdom and the strength to break free of the old and leap into the new. Bringing us a sense of well beings and a better understanding of life.

Great Write!
Aaron Maycroft

Posted 15 Years Ago

i like this it was so true about things we hear and things people can say and just your very one mind none stop makeing you feel doomed thank god for showing us we can over come this the battle of the minds ,great write

Posted 15 Years Ago

Do you have any idea how important this piece of yours is Craig? So many are told as children that they are useless, ugly and will never amount to have done a service to many by writing this and I for one am very touched by it and proud of the insight you have shown in writing it!! The positive outcome is brilliant, it could have gone the other way, but strength on your part has given you a worthwhile life and not robbed the rest of us from knowing you.
Double kudos from me...
Thank you...

Posted 15 Years Ago

This was very motivational
it is the first piece that i have read by you and i really would like to share it with my sister
it is that good! people need to read this and share it! thanks
cheers, lea

Posted 15 Years Ago

Awww! This is so beautiful, You really brought tears to my eyes! The ending is just perfect.
Very descriptive and passionate writing.

Posted 15 Years Ago

This brought tears to my eyes. So often the words of others belittling those around them come to be true to those who they belittle. If you are told you are worthless by those you love, or thought you loved, you really do become worthless in your own eyes.

I've been there and have been fighting for far too long to see myself otherwise. Battles may be won but the war continues.

I thank you sincerly for writing this and sending it my way. Excellent, emotional peice.

Posted 15 Years Ago

In the poem of sadness you've described well the positives. Excellent! Holly

Posted 15 Years Ago

Oh wow. I went through the same thing! It hurts so much and can end up destroying you. You're absolutely right. When people are being stupid and say mean things, it's often coming from their own insecurities and jealousies. They were probably jealous of you because you're such a lovely guy. This poem is amazing. It should be put on a poster and put in every classroom and workplace world-over. We're so busy being mean to each other, considering the state of the world at the moment, we should all be being nice to one another instead! Thanks for sharing this amazing piece.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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45 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on July 27, 2008
Last Updated on January 3, 2009


An owl on the moon
An owl on the moon

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