I Wish Sometimes I Knew No Words

I Wish Sometimes I Knew No Words

A Poem by An owl on the moon

Then I could never hurt you...
























I wish sometimes I knew no words

Then I could never hurt you…

Or why can’t I just be like

Christopher Robin to Pooh?

Saying things that give a lift

And are in this world so long overdue?

If you could only see inside my heart

That those words are this fool’s rue…

Perhaps you’d see the deeper words

All those never misconstrued…

I wish sometimes I knew no words…

Only showed each day howI love you…


© 2010 An owl on the moon

Author's Note

An owl on the moon
I'm learning, but I still say stupid stuff and hurt people I care about... Wish I was more like Christopher Robin... "Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - Christopher Robin to Pooh

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Featured Review

There is something mysterious about this piece of writing... its essence is soft, sad, and warm; oh, how we always seem to speak words that weren't meant to be spoken! I know that feeling, and I believe it is beautifully woven in this piece. Bravo, my friend.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


This is so sweet. Words are are a double edged sword. Sometimes they heal and sooth, and other times they cut and wound. It's a frustration when we don't mean the the words to hurt. Been there. :0)
Nicely written.

Posted 14 Years Ago

this is so sweet.
i looove ah loooove it. (:
*tickles you* :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

Beautiful and sweet. The font was a bit distracting for me, but I could find no other faults.

A simply wonderful piece.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Very Well Written. Its obviusly had a lot of thought put into this. Top Marks

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like the "Christopher Robin" so thank you for the note unlike many people I don't know many writers or actors so when you include a bit about the person who you've included even 1 sentence I can almost imagine what the person was like and don't feel so lost at the Insertion of a name.

To all poets out there sorry about this, but I think Italian for poets is the best language out there although the translations lose there meaning most times, one sentence from Andrea Bocelli translates to something like "If you were in my heart for one day, you would be able to feel all the love all of my feelings I have for you." And it is pretty amazing stuff and I get the same feeling reading what you've wrote above. So nice 1

Posted 14 Years Ago

Those stories have always been favorites of mine. Uncomplicated words, more often than not, have the greatest value and emotion.
This is such a great poem. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 14 Years Ago

That was one good write I think it a stray from your usual and I like the way you are experimenting with your voice

Posted 14 Years Ago

Oh how completley relatable, I have actually learned to control myself and let things slide rather than saying things that hurt people. A lot of people complain and say that im too quiet but i'm just thinking of what to say and how to say it in the right way. I have said things I regret but only at my angriest times, and those rarley come.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Craig you have captured this inevitable which we long for but many are the times escapes us, thanks


Posted 14 Years Ago

We all say things we shouldn't, say them without thinking, say them because we're hurt and somehow it's a release. We're all human, cut us and we bleed!

This is such a charming, delicate piece of writing .. somehow brings home the fact that we can be childish in our tantrum reactions but, to write like this, shows true sadness and sincere love .. real feelings and honest.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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50 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on March 20, 2010
Last Updated on March 26, 2010


An owl on the moon
An owl on the moon

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