Inspiration from a 15 year old.

Inspiration from a 15 year old.

A Story by C. Lee Battaglia

Inspiration is just what comes from your heart... If you want to help others, use your heart and it will tell you what to do...


There I am walking to school one day and I was feeling depressed and all alone in the world... No one would talk to me... No one even cared about me...

But then I chose to do the hardest thing for me at the time, look someone in the eyes and talk. It is still hard for me to talk to people and look them in the eyes because I have dyslexia and ADHD. I tend to get nervous and it feels like they're looking into my soul whenever I look someone in the eyes.

I met the person that made me forget my depression, my fears, my doubts. She was my half that made me whole, the only one I could really look in the eyes and not tend to get nervous. I didn't care if she looked into my soul. 
All I cared about that she would never leave me, that she would be my friend forever and ever.

But that wish didn't come true, she escaped from my life, leaving me helpless and those same feelings slowly crept back into my heart, leaving me in darkness.

She was my ray of sunshine that would warm me up on a cold winter day.

Soon I found myself one day at school in between classes walking towards the railing to the stairs, I thought to myself then, "I'm going over the railing and falling head first."
I kept going, not looking back, not caring about a single thing.
When I got to the railing, I noticed something...
There was a girl with blue eyes smiling at me... I knew then that I had another reason to live. 

She could've chosen not to have smiled in my direction and I would have ended my life. 

I know now that bulling is absolutely wrong... One word could have someone committing suicide. One word could change their life forever. One thing that matters most is you stay strong, you help others feel good and have that fire inside to light up the darkness.

Not everyone understands that if you leave, you won't come back to replace your laughter or your smile that makes someone happy and feels alive.

Now don't forget, even when your feeling depressed and alone... Don't stop talking to people and look them in the eyes. Get to know them... Make friends. Invite that light to shine forever in your heart to help fight those demons inside.

Because after all love is real friendship...

© 2017 C. Lee Battaglia

Author's Note

C. Lee Battaglia
Be able to help those people...

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I know how it feels Lee. A ray of is all you need to keep you in check of sanity. Nice one keep it up

Posted 9 Years Ago

C. Lee Battaglia

9 Years Ago

It's true... All we need is one small ray to light up our day... Thanks Terrence!
Terrence Chang

9 Years Ago

your welcome

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11 Reviews
Added on March 5, 2015
Last Updated on September 28, 2017
Tags: Inspiration, Goodness, Feel happy


C. Lee Battaglia
C. Lee Battaglia

Alpine, UT

My name is C. Lee Battaglia and I love to read… I read so much that my Mom grounds me from reading and tells me to go do something else. I am 20 years old. I hated reading when I was little .. more..


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