Her thoughts and love

Her thoughts and love

A Poem by masie

a response to " If I could tell you about a friend of mine..."


"I think i he thinks he might need help"
she thinks the same.
she thinks your her world.

she knows the pain that dwells inside
she knows how to hide it,

she knows he hides it.

I wish..no she wishes that he could see him through her eyes,

 the beauty the potential the...


He feels the same as she does,
Knows the feeling of being alone, unwanted, hurt...




She tries to open her heart, soul and arms to this beautiful boy,
She wants to show him a world of beauty and magic
a world thats pain free and full of acceptance....

This world is harder to find than she thought.

"he feels like he's bleeding inside,"

She sees the blood trickling out on the floor...
She wants to save him... but will he let her?
She thinks not but does it anyways.


I think i

he thinks he might need help" .... she still wants to help.

© 2009 masie

My Review

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I really liked it. Very descriptive. The form by which you wrote it in was odd, but pleasantly so. It's wonderful how you expressed wanting to help and wanting to find a world free of pain. Though, I'm unsure of how, if ever, that world will be found.

Posted 15 Years Ago

wow i must say, in this poem has alot of means and unspoken words to it and i see how you describe her and her feelings and it was amazing thing to do so nice work.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 1, 2009



Durham, NC

i love animals and helping them. I like giving advice or helping my friends with their problems. Sports are always fun to play and watch. Art is passion for me. drawing is my escape from reality, so i.. more..

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