Broken Heart

Broken Heart

A Poem by Ariana H

I wrote this when i was lying alone in my room one night. Please review..?(:

My heart is broken.
Body spread across the hard floor,
Shivering in the cold, dark night. 
Bleeding out the only remaining feelings for you.
Every last ounce of my love floating invisibly in a puddle of red. 
Signs of life are leaving my eyes,
Eye lids slowly start to close.
No one to save me from this dreadful pain. 
There is no one in existence to love me again. 
All you do is walk away from everything we ever had.
The last stride of trust that I had. 
You stole it all,
Ripped it away from me. 
My heart is broken. 

© 2013 Ariana H

Author's Note

Ariana H
Please review..?(:

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I love this more than I can put words into. I feel like this 24/7 anymore. Nice write, you should know you're very skilled and write very well. The way you put emotions down and into your work so easily is breathtaking.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Beautifully emotional. Awesome job :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I liked this a lot, it was very honest. I think you did a great job.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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this is how i felt when i broke up with my boyfriend. this captures that kind of emotion perfectly. really great job

Posted 12 Years Ago

omw... why are you making it so hard for me to review your stuf.. your write so awesome that i cannot say anything you ned to change because it is more than perfect like it stands there... i love... no wait... i adore, a love yeah you get it, your work... i will really read hours and hours of your work!

Posted 12 Years Ago

lost in stolen emotions.... ouch not a good feeling.
keep up the flow of your writing its great!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on November 17, 2011
Last Updated on May 7, 2013
Tags: broken, heart, blood, love, cold, dark, night, feeling, memories, lies


Ariana H
Ariana H


Hey! My name is Ariana. I am 16 years old; A Sophomore in high school. Reading is probably my biggest hobby. I LOVE to read. I like writing stories & poetry, but I'm a bit of an amateur. I also pl.. more..

Sure. Sure.

A Story by Ariana H

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