Plastic Politics

Plastic Politics

A Poem by Iftwopoetswerestranded

Remember to do your part tomorrow and vote. But if these ads are to be believed then there is no one to vote for...



Break my mind,

I'm just a normal guy,

fill my plastic head,

with all your thoughts:

of whose to dread,

tell me who is

the bad guy now?


Everywhere I try to look,

everything I try to do,

can't escape images of you,

wax figures lined up

to put on a show,

screaming words that clearly

tell who hates us the most,


Try and think for myself,

in a country so polarized,

that every thought is

recycled a hundred times,

that must mean I'm on your side,

or part of your empty party,

I'm not just along for the ride,


America: The land of important people,

and all the unworthy,

who exist to be manipulated,

by poisonous emptiness

the lesser of two evils,

choose which pitiless heart

will damage your life

the least.





© 2010 Iftwopoetswerestranded

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"Politicians are like diapers you change them frequently and for the same reason."

Nice description of the choice between the lesser evil and how politics is not about the work that they can do but about the promises they have and which they will break.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 1, 2010
Last Updated on November 1, 2010



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