How it all Began

How it all Began

A Chapter by Katie

Hi my name is Kat, yes Kat. Why my parents name me that I don't know. I wish they would of named me something more meaningful like Selena or maybe even Paris, but they got divorced about a year ago due to their differences they couldn't work out. Unfortunately, my mom told my father she didn't want custody of me so I'm living with my Dad.
Living with him is not too bad though. He is like my best friend. I'm going to tell you the story of how I was trapped in a month nightmare. I've heard of it happening to other people but little did I knew that it would happen to me.
The beginning of  the day started off as a normal Monday morning. I was woken up at 5:39 by the annoying buzzing sound of my alarm clock.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
I slammed the snooze button with my hand to get the sound almost as I pushed the snooze button to get the sound almost compared to a million people nagging at me to silence. I rolled over on my side, throwing the covers over my face, unknowingly drifting off back to sleep. Just as I did so, my father came into my room to make sure that I was awake to get ready for school.
"Good Morning baby girl! It's time for school. The early bird gets the worm." He greets me with a smile.
As I pulled the covers off my head, I looked at him with annoyance.
"I'm not feeling good..." I reply, looking at him with puppy eyes.
Something deep down inside told me that today was going to be a bad day. I had no idea why but just the feeling had my stomach in knots.
He just smiled at me and said with a bargaining expression:
"Okay. If you stay home there will be no strawberry cheesecake for you and you can't have your boyfriend over for movie night. I know how much you like watching Parental Guidance with him."  
I wanted to resist but who the heck would turn down a slab of cheesecake and a movie night with your babe. After a brief mental argument, I decided to go to school because I thought of seeing my friends and my boyfriend. We have been together for about a year now. I have to admit that he is the best thing that ever happened to me. It would be a sin if I didn't say so.
When my father left the room. I stepped into the bathroom to grab a quick shower. I turned on pandora on my iPad and tuned into to my favorite station. Out of great luck, my favorite Austin Mahone song, Say Something, started to play. I turned the volume up to the maximum and got into the tub letting the nice hot water run down my back.
I was just about finished. I was rinsing my hair when I heard a loud knock that made me jump.
"I'm sorry to intrude on your horrible singing but what would you like for breakfast?"
Being quite offended on his rude comment I answer with a sarcastic tone:
"If you are not bleeding to death or your limbs are not detached leave me alone."
"Your grandmother always told me to be honest so I gave you my honest opinion. Your welcome."
As I heard him walk away, I began to think to myself why Is he bothering now and suddenly remembered I DIDN'T ASK FOR HIS OPINION!
When I finished my shower, I put on my favorite pair of black skinny jeans and my one of my favorite shirts that says the saying "Aint No One Got Time for That", which has developed to be my life saying. I grabbed my high tops and searched my room for a pair of clean socks. I found a pair. I am ready to take on the day when I walked out of my bedroom.  I couldn't help but notice my father trying to attempt a complicated yoga pose like the lady on the TV screen.
In complete shock I knew I was going to regret asking:
"Um Dad, may I ask what are you doing?" 
He turned his head and said with a painful smile.
"I want to try something new. If I I wasn't so old I could get into this position or maybe if I try a little harder..."
I quickly turned around and walked out so I didn't have to see anymore of it. I didn't need the image of my father trying to get his legs over his head to scar me for the rest of the day. It's the last thing anybody needs.
I love my dad and all but he is the type of person you wouldn't want to take a picture of. The camera might break or even worse magically grow legs and run.
Ha Ha. Take that dad for calling my singing bad.
Since my dad loves to scare me with his unsuccessful scarring yoga I went in the kitchen grabbing a Pumpkin Pie flavored Pop Tart out of the cupboard and ran full speed out the door as my fathers voice echoes as I'm leaving:
"Have a good day sweetie!"
I got that feeling again. It was almost the same as before but it seemed to intensify.  It's just about the same feeling you get before you watch a good horror movie. I turned on my cell phone noticing I had 5 messages. Two of them were from my boyfriend saying good morning and the other three was from my bff reminding me about spirit week. Like I'm actually going to do that. She doesn't see the point of dragging teenagers out of bed before the sun rises, being trapped in a building that can be almost described as a prison for six long hours, and staring at teacher's ugly faces is just about spirit for me. 
All the way of walking the three blocks to school that eery feeling remained in my stomach. It grew stronger little by little. It was absolutely sickening. Why that feeling followed me like my shadow still remains a mystery to me. I knew something is going to happen. What is it? I just don't know....

© 2015 Katie

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Added on April 11, 2015
Last Updated on April 11, 2015



Queensbury , NY

I'm a 16 year old girl who loves writing short stories and I hope you enjoy them :) more..
