Associated Freely

Associated Freely

A Poem by Dave C.

A piece of free association writing. Just letting words flow from mind to written language with no filter to make sense of it.

I whisper like a storm with the sound of a stare
I can show you the mind that could crumble despair

Never told once, never cold pressed
The children converse with the sick and twisted
And the men, conspicuously dressed
On all fours to better see what's molested

Deliver the hungry to the hunted
Watch as their bridges build
The lions rotund in legions stunted
Flush, for your villages become unfilled

Burning ashes on frozen running waters
Command control of interesteller waves
Irrelevant irresponsible caustic daughters
You could say, "no," and it would go away

Believe the widow inching behind you
She's not an occasion ever anticipated
Mass extinctions in seaside hues
No one was prepared, no one will be vindicated

Maintain the fury you once downplayed
We need it now to spread panic
Panic amongst the crown waste
Their sins will need something mechanic

Something bright suspended in air
Filtered white before inspected
Liver me the aspects but beware
These are heavy metal and reflective

Twisted, beveled, and stream rolled
It's a modest conglomerate of hate
From whence only lovers seek to scold
Where wounded wings rest prostrate

Where allegories are told but ignored
Where lightning strikes the same point constantly
Only to be conceived, designed, and forged
For acts of which we do not speak politely

These are the things no one needs
These are the shelves from which I fall
From where I've learned of wicked deeds
From where I wish I knew nothing at all

© 2021 Dave C.

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Added on April 18, 2015
Last Updated on February 22, 2021
Tags: Free, association, thought writing, unfiltered, strange, surreal


Dave C.
Dave C.

Dallas, TX

I am and artist, musician, and writer. The lyrics to my song are very poetic. Therefore I'm posting them here to see how the stand alone without the music. Thank you in advance for reading them. more..
