Tiny Shiny Eyes

Tiny Shiny Eyes

A Poem by Dave C.

A poem for my new born son.

My wicked ways
Fell into the traps you laid
What else could I say
It's all for your rise
My tiny shiny eyes

And those ways
I'm glad they fell threw traps you made
How else could I say
I wait for your rise
My tiny shiny eyes

And now
I love when you reach for me
You can make water burn
And fire freeze
In my arms

And now
I love when we breathe in synch
You reverse entropy
And break light speed
When we meet

So those ways
I'm glad they fell threw traps you laid
How else could I face
Horizons for your rise
My tiny shiny eyes

© 2015 Dave C.

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Added on April 18, 2015
Last Updated on April 18, 2015
Tags: Poem, son, love, new born, baby, beautiful


Dave C.
Dave C.

Dallas, TX

I am and artist, musician, and writer. The lyrics to my song are very poetic. Therefore I'm posting them here to see how the stand alone without the music. Thank you in advance for reading them. more..
