Autumn Rebellion

Autumn Rebellion

A Poem by Ben Taylor

A metaphor.

The ancient general watches
As his world withers
Around him.
All he has amassed
In his years of warmth
And prosperity
Is now laid to waste
By this unstoppable
He knew,
Better than anyone,
That all movements have
Their inevitable end.
He had fought for
The nearly forgotten
That freed this civilization
Around him
From the frigid
Of its previous
Still remembers him
But, alas, the revolution
Is always sweetest during the
Initial change,
When only the pleasant
Is felt, and the
And the
Offset each other
As the warmth
He fought for
Progressed, however,
It brought with it
The freed civilization
Bloomed, flourished,
And then became
Effete and stifling.
The prosperity brought
No relief,
And now the winds of
Are blowing again;
Icy gusts
That remember
Which side he
Has so firmly
His future in.
The tendrils of frost
Envelope him
And he realizes
He has lost.
Weathered, wizened arms
Reach skeletally
Towards the sky;
He looses his grip
On the last of his wealth,
And shivers,
Stripped of his clothing,
As all he has ever
Decomposes under the
Icy, wet reign
Of these new radicals.
A symbol of shame,
He stands resolute
As the countryside around him
Is shriveled and frozen,
Covered in the
Snow-white claims
That this is simply
Acknowledging his
He stoically awaits
The inexorable
End of this winter
And the thaw that

© 2011 Ben Taylor

Author's Note

Ben Taylor
This is essentially a deciduous tree bemoaning the loss of his leaves, as well as denouncing the seasonal regression from the summer warmth that allowed him to prosper.

I also threw in a little social commentary :)

My Review

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We witness the passage of history through the symbolic metaphor of the tree; history will repeat itself through a cycle of prosperity, rebellion and revolution as the tree repeats its cycle of growth and loss throughout the seasons.

I particularly like the way the tree is given a personality of warmth, generosity and determination. A well-crafted poem with depth, ambition and character.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Excellent poem with metaphors that could mean so many things. I love the flow and imagery in this poem. Very well done!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very Good, Ben
There is more than a little social comentary here..The coming on of winter is a metaphor for many different things.
Lost love, rain on a picnic, political change etc. etc.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is just outstanding. If you're this good now, what will you be at twenty-five? While many have been born with great gifts, most find a way to fail--don't you do that! Set your own standards of excellence and adhere to them. Never allow anyone to convince you that "upper-mediocrity" is good enough.
Sometimes when you live with magic, after a while, you begin to believe it's no big deal; nothing other people don't possess to varying degrees. It just isn't true.
Uh, I guess I'll conclude my rant, here.
Very impressive, Ben.

Posted 13 Years Ago

this is most excellently done. fantastic images. i only lost my way once where "Still remembers him Fondly." did not make sense with the rest of that sentence.
Very well done!

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is so brilliant, I'm actually too dumb to even attempt to review it properly. It's amazing, seriously, you're a great writer :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on March 28, 2011
Last Updated on April 8, 2011
Tags: Autumn, seasons, winter


Ben Taylor
Ben Taylor

Columbia, MO

Almost everything I write now is relatively real, so just read what I write and get to know me. more..

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