Perhaps Not

Perhaps Not

A Poem by Danny J.H.

a short poem about life and death


I see the world

They say it is good

I do not see this

Am I the only one?


The hollows whisper to me

They tell me to run

“From what?” I ask

They say from myself


I sprint through the darkness

My naked body, wet from the puddles

The trees are cackling

I am crying


I am dreaming I say

To myself as I stumble

But I know I am not

This hell is life


I think that the rationality

Of suicide is clear

I have no steak left here

Perhaps death will give me purpose


Or perhaps not…

© 2010 Danny J.H.

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this poem is hands down one of my favorits, it truly makes you think about life and what paths we decide to take. Bravo well done

Posted 14 Years Ago

Kind of makes you think.
Nice work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 8, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2010
Tags: perhaps, not, life, death, suicide, darkness


Danny J.H.
Danny J.H.

Dunwoody, GA

Hey! My name is danny, i'm 13 years old and i am a very avid poet. more..
