

A Poem by Shae-Leigh Johns

I don't know how good this is I just needed to get stuff out so I'm sorry if it sucks

I'm tired of the lies
and sick of the blame
don't pretend that everything is ok
you always told me never keep a promise I don't intend to keep
guess the rules don't apply to you
thanks for telling me that
so go ahead and tell all your friends how I'm so evil
tell them whatever you have to sleep better
I'm not gonna cause a scene
I won't post it all over facebook
trust me if you knew me you would know that
and don't use those lines on me to make me feel better
the bottom line is you lied
you pulled me along for you're amusement
the point is this is killing me and you're not making it easy
I see you're so hurt 
nice to know I'm so easy to replace 
you know what I don't care anymore
everything is just off inside of me
I won't give you the satisfaction of hurting me
not anymore I'm done
I'm done with you
I'm done with the lies
I'm done with the hurt
I'm over it

© 2017 Shae-Leigh Johns

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I wouldn't worry how good or not such a confessional write is Shae-Leigh - it's good because/if it felt good.
Writer's instinctively know how much getting it 'out' benefits them - a technique that psychology has only cottoned onto recently (relatively speaking).
Write on!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shae-Leigh Johns

7 Years Ago

thanks you too


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Great one. Sometimes i feel same. Write poem as well about it. But yours go more deep and more beautiful than mine

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well put Shae! Let it all out! It doesn't fix or solve all the problems you might be going thru right now but I'm sure it helps. Your so young and I feel like this guy has hurt you a lot. I'm glad your done with him. Sometimes you just need to let go. You have so much more ahead of you and he is going to be the one missing out! Your awesome! Keep letting those raw feelings out on your poems!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Shae-Leigh Johns

7 Years Ago

thank you so much . the support is great and I appericate it. write on !
"I won't give you the satisfaction of hurting me, not anymore" this was very beautifuly written. And you also helped me feel better after reading it, so thank you for sharing!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Shae-Leigh Johns

7 Years Ago

thank you and I'm glad
I wouldn't worry how good or not such a confessional write is Shae-Leigh - it's good because/if it felt good.
Writer's instinctively know how much getting it 'out' benefits them - a technique that psychology has only cottoned onto recently (relatively speaking).
Write on!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shae-Leigh Johns

7 Years Ago

thanks you too

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4 Reviews
Added on February 2, 2017
Last Updated on February 2, 2017


Shae-Leigh Johns
Shae-Leigh Johns

Mansfield, PA

I'm kinda at the point where I just feel like giving up on everything everyone. just a thought About me: I'm a lonely person that finds strength and compassion in my writing. I'm in high schoo.. more..


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